
In 2019, the Stellenbosch University (SU) celebrated Africa Day on 25 May with a week filled with various activities across its campuses from 20 to 24 May.  

“We encourage staff, students and stakeholders in and around Stellenbosch to participate in the events. We even have interactive online forums available for those from around the world wishing to connect in that way," says Dr Nico Elema, the manager of SU International's Centre for Collaboration in Africa. 

Highlights of the week include an Africa Week launch with Prof Hester Klopper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Strategy and Internationalisation, on 20 May. “Along with launching Africa Week, we'll be introducing the SU Africa Platform. The platform aims to provide a virtual space for our Africa-focused community at SU to connect, share knowledge and grow partnerships. In addition, the Africa Doctoral Academy will celebrate ten years of postgraduate capacity development," Elema explains.

On 30 May, Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector & Vice-Chancellor​, will again host the annual Vice-Chancellor's Africa Day lecture. This year's speaker will be Justice Thina Siwendu from the Gauteng division of the South African high court. She will deliver a very special lecture titled “A mother's reflection on suicide loss in post-apartheid South Africa".   

​Various forums and discussions at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) during the week will culminate in a seminar at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences on Tygerberg campus on 24 May. Here, the focus will be on partnerships that can help us achieve the sustainable development goals. The seminar programme will include a panel discussion on how to develop our future leaders to be able to deal with the complexities of health in the 21st century.​