Teaching and Learning Activities at CEMIS
CEMIS is involved in various teaching and learning activities indicated below:
South African National Defence College. Teaching of Research Methodology for the MPhil in Defence Studies, as well as the selected Supervision of students.
South African National War College. Teaching of Research Methodology for the in the Postgraduate Diploma in Defence Studies (PGDip) as well as a 1 year 20 credit bearing module in Research Methodology.
Teaching on the Preparatory Course Programme yearly before the commencement of course and evaluation of research proposals.
South African Naval Staff College. Teaching Research Methodology for the Military Training for Officers, Part 2. Evaluation of the module through the assessment and marking of Research Proposals, in preparation for the next courses.
South African Naval College. Teaching of Research Methodology for Military Training for Officers (MT01, Part 1), various assessments in the class and a report written on the student performance.
SAS Saldanha. Empowerment classes in Research Skills for Military Ratings on MTR03 Course.