Our graduates can look forward to careers as researchers, consultants, representatives or research managers in the academic, agricultural, medical and environmental sectors. In addition, biotechnology graduates can also specialise as patent attorneys, investment analysts, bio-informatists or become entrepreneurs.
Some of our recent graduates, for example are employed at the government funded ARC (Agricultural Research Council of South Africa), companies such as PathCare, Western Cape Biotech, Lasec, Deltamune, BioVac, Monsanto etc.
With a post graduate qualification from the IPB, which is recognised worldwide, students also make use of our international collaborations for further PhD degrees and post doc opportunities at international institutes in especially Europe.
Dr Alisdair Fernie and Dr John Lunn at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology.
Prof Sam Zeeman at ETH Zurich.
Dr Dave Thompson at the South African Environmental Observation Network of the National Research Foundation
Department of Genetics, Stellenbosch University
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