The postgraduate program offers interested graduates the opportunity to enrol for a Postgraduate Diploma, a MScAgric degree in Animal Science OR Aquaculture, an MSc in Sustainable Agriculture, a PhD (Agric) or a DScAgric degree. The Department focuses its research mainly on basic and advanced aspects of applied animal nutrition, animal breeding, reproduction physiology, and the management of domesticated farm animals, wildlife species, and aquatic species to ensure the sustainable production of quality products from the said species. Research is conducted on ruminant animals (i.e. dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and goats); monogastric animals (i.e. poultry, pigs, ostriches, and freshwater and marine aquatic animals) as well as certain wildlife species. Research projects are aimed at addressing current and industry-related issues, in both commercial, smallholder and communal animal production systems.
For a current list of projects that research teams are working on, please refer to the respective programs under the Research link.
For admission requirements for the respective postgraduate degrees, please refer to
Postgraduate Admission requirements.
For information on the MSc in Sustainable Agriculture, please refer to the Postgraduate studies website.