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Student enrolments by Mode of Education
Table 1: Enrolments by year and mode of education
Enrolments by Year and Mode of EducationIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Programme Level
Table 2: Enrolments by programme level and year
Enrolments by Programme Level and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Faculty and Program Level
Table 3: Enrolments by faculty, programme level and year
Enrolments According to Faculty, Programme Level and YearIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Programme Level, Gender and Race
Table 4: Enrolments by programme level, gender and race
Enrolments by Programme Level, Gender and RaceIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Gender and Program Level
Table 5: Enrolment by gender, programme level and year
Student enrolments by Gender and Program LevelIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Home Language
Table 6: Enrolments by home language and year
Student enrolments by Home LanguageIn page navigation
Student enrolments by Geographical Origin
Table 7: Enrolments by geographical origin of student and year
Enrolments by Geographical Origin of Student and YearIn page navigation
Qualifications awarded by Qualification Type
Table 8: Qualifications awarded by type of qualification and year
Qualifications Awarded by Type of Qualification and YearIn page navigation
Head count of Permanent Personnel by Category, Race and Gender
Table 9: Head count of personnel with permanent appointments by personnel category, race, gender and year
Head Count of Personnel with Personnel Catergory, Race, Gender and YearIn page navigation