Phone: 021-8082561
Obtained PhD at the University of Stellenbosch in 1991.
Previous experience
Worked at the Institute for Maritime Technology in Simon's Town for 15 years. Dealt with a wide range of decision support problems in the following fields:
- Operational evaluation & testing of naval weapon systems
- Development of customized decision support software
- Applying neural networks in the naval environment
- Industrial statistical consultation
- Data Mining
- Application of Bayesian networks to complex planning problems
- Modeling & simulation
- Design & development of data base systems
Current experience
At the Centre for Statistical Consultation I have done consultation work in a wide variety of fields spanning:
- Biostatistics
- Food Sciences
- Chemometrics
- Sport Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Biometrics
Present Research Interests
- Modelling of Likert Scale data
- Variable selection using artificial inteligence techniques
- Structural Equations modelling (PLS and Covariance based approaches)
- Multivariate dimension reduction techniques
Publications in Journals
Robust estimation of scale based on Hampel's Lemma five with application to the Rayleigh family. Kidd M, Laubscher Nico F. South African Statistical Journal Vol 27, No 2, p203-220.
Robust confidence intervals for scale and its application to the Rayleigh distribution. Kidd M, Laubscher Nico F. South African Statistical Journal Vol 29, No 2, p199-217.
Applying Bayesian belief networks as a tool for structuring and evaluating the planning of naval operations. Kidd, M. Journal of the Military Operations Research Society (2002) Vol 7 Number 4, p25-34.
Epistaxis related to exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage in South African Thoroughbreds. Weideman, H.; Schoeman, S.J.; Jordaan, G.F,Kidd,M. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, (2003) Vol 74, Issue 4, Dec
Effect of LED curing on microleakage and microhardnes of Class V resin-based composite restorations. TG Oberholzer, M Schünemann,Kidd,M. International Dental Journal (2004) 54
Effect of LED curing on the microleakage, shear bond strength and surface hardness of a resin-based composite restoration. Theunis G. Oberholzer, Ignatius C. Du Preez,Kidd,M. Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3981–3986
An index to measure the conservation attitudes of landowners towards Overberg Coastal Renosterveld, a critically endangered vegetation type in the Cape Floral Kingdom, South Africa. Susan J. Winter, Karen J Esler,Kidd,M. Biological Conservation 125 (2005) 383-394
Validating the use of the APACHE II score in a tertiary South African ICU. Van der Merwe, E., Metzker, S., Bolliger, C.T., Irusen, E.M.,Kidd,M. Southern African Journal of Critical Care, Vol 21, Issue 1, Jul, Pages: p.46, 48, 50, 52, 54 (2005)
The dangers of rationing dialysis treatment: The dilemma facing a developing country. Moosa, MR,Kidd,M. Kidney International (2006) 70, 1107–1114
Do clinical features and MRI suggest the same nerve root level in acute cervical radiculopathy?. M Conradie, MM Bester, LC Crous,Kidd,M. SA Journal of Physiotherapy 2006 vol 62 no 2
Case-control study of severe life threatening asthma (SLTA) in a developing community. L van der Merwe, A de Klerk, P G Bardin and E M van Schalkwyk,Kidd,M. Thorax 2006;61:756-760
Changes in leucocyte and lymphocyte subsets during tuberculosis treatment; prominence of CD3dimCD56+ natural killer T cells in fast treatment responders. Veenstra H, Baumann R, Carroll NM, Lukey PT, Beyers N, Bolliger CT, van Helden PD, Walzl G.,Kidd,M. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2006 Aug;145(2):252-60
Immune markers measured before treatment predict outcome of intensive phase tuberculosis therapy. S. Brahmbhatt, G. F. Black, N. M. Carroll, N. Beyers, F. Salker, P. T. Lukey, K. Duncan, P. van Helden and G. Walzl,Kidd,M. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2006, 146: 243–252
Remission in First-Episode Psychosis: Predictor Variables and Symptom Improvement Patterns. Robin Emsley, Piet P Oosthuizen, Liezl Koen, Dana JH Niehaus, H Jadri Turner,Kidd,M. J. Clin Psychiatry 67:11 November 2006, p1071-1712
The shape of the inferior part of the glenoid: A cadaveric study. Pol E. Huysmans, MD,Pieter S. Haen, PhD, Wouter J. Dhert, MD, PhD, and Jaap W. Willems, MD, PhD,Kidd,M. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, Volume 15, Number 6, p759-763, 2006
Prediction of soluble solids content and post-storage internal quality of Bulida apricots using near infrared spectroscopy. Marena Manley, Elizabeth Joubert, Lindie Myburgh, Ester Lotz,Kidd,M. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy(2007) Vol 15, No 3, p179-188
A Recently Evolved Sublineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Strain Family Is Associated with an Increased Ability to Spread and Cause Disease. M. Hanekom, G. D. van der Spuy, E. Streicher, S. L. Ndabambi, C. R. E. McEvoy, N. Beyers, T. C. Victor, P. D. van Helden, and R. M. Warren,Kidd,M. Journal of clinical microbiology(2007) Vol 45(5):1483-90
HIP EXTENSOR MUSCLE STRENGTH IN ELITE FEMALE FIELD HOCKEY PLAYERS. M. Wege, M.M. Bester, L.C. Crous and Y.X.R. Harley,Kidd,M. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Vol. 13, No. 2 (June) 2007, pp. 135-148.
Investigating the possible effects of trauma experiences and 5-HTT on the dissociative experiences of patients with OCD using path analysis and multiple regression. Christine Lochner, Soraya Seedat, Sian M. J. Hemmings, Johanna C. Moolman-Smook, Dan J. Stein,Kidd,M. Neuropsychobiology 2007 Vol. 56, pp. 6-14.
The short-term influence of a Mediterranean-type diet and mild exercise with and without red wine on patients with the metabolic syndrome. van Velden DP, van der Merwe S, Fourie E, Blackhurst DM, Kotze MJ, Mansvelt EPG,Kidd,M. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE 28 (1): 44-49 2007
Quantification of a glenoid defect with three-dimensional computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging: A cadaveric study. Huijsmans PE (Huijsmans, Pol E.), Haen PS (Haen, Pieter S.), Dhert WJ (Dhert, Wouter J.), van der Hulst VPM (van der Hulst, Victor P. M.), Willems WJ (Willems, W. Jaap),Kidd,M. JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY Volume: 16 Issue: 6 Pages: 803-809 Published: NOV-DEC 2007
Evaluation of the implementation of the vitamin A supplementation programme in the Boland/Overberg region of the Western Cape Province. L M du Plessis, B Najaar, H E Koornhof, D Labadarios, L Petersen, M Hendricks,Kidd,M. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007, Vol. 20, No. 4
Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in Youth. Bruwer B, Emsley R, Lochner C, Seedat S,Kidd,M. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2008 Volume 49, p195-201
APRI, A non-invasive marker for advanced fibrosis in NASH, and a new proposed algorithm for the detection of advanced fibrosis. Kruger FC, Daniels C, Swart G, Brundyn K, van Rensburg C, Kotze MJ,Kidd,M. SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL Volume: 98 Issue: 8 Pages: 642-642 AUG 2008
Ethnicity and Characteristics of Hodgkin Lymphoma in Children. Daniela Cristina Stefan, David Stones, Anel Dippenaar,Kidd,M. Pediatr Blood Cancer, Volume 52, Issue 2, Date: February 2009, Pages: 182-185
Improvement in Mycobacterial Yield and Reduced Time to Detection in Pediatric Samples by Use of a Nutrient Broth Growth Supplement. W. Brittle, B. J. Marais, A. C. Hesseling, H. S. Schaaf, E. Wasserman, and T. Botha,Kidd,M. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, May 2009, p. 1287–1289
Assessment of variance in the measurement of hectolitre mass of wheat, using equipment from different grain producing and exporting countries. M. Manley, M.L. Engelbrecht, P.C. Williams,Kidd,M. Biosystems engineering 103 (2009 ) 176 – 186
Host markers in Quantiferon supernatants differentiate active TB from latent TB infection: preliminary report. Novel N Chegou , Gillian F Black , Paul D van Helden and Gerhard Walzl,Kidd,M. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009, 9:21
Short-term Reproducibility of a Commercial Interferon-gamma Release Assay. A K Detjen, L Loebenberg, H MS Grewal, K Stanley, A Gutschmidt, C Kruger, Plessis N Du, N Beyers, G Walzl, and A C Hesseling,Kidd,M. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. published ahead of print on 17 June 2009, doi:10.1128/CVI.00168-09
Meat quality of kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) and impala (Aepyceros melampus): Carcass yield, physical quality and chemical composition of kudu and impala Longissimus dorsi muscle as affected by gender and age. L.C. Hoffman, A.C. Mostert, and L.L. Laubscher,Kidd,M. Meat Science 83 (2009) 788–795
Changes in erythrocyte membrane fatty acids during a clinical trial of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) supplementation in schizophrenia. Susan J. van Rensburg & Cornelius M. Smuts & Dinie Hon & Sulene van der Merwe & Christo Myburgh & Piet Oosthuizen & Robin Emsley,Kidd,M. Metabolic Brain Disease, Published online: 14 October 2009
Evaluation of near infrared spectra for the prediction of post harvest quality in canning peaches. Manley, M.; Joubert, E.; Myburgh, L.; Lotz, E.,Kidd,M. South African Journal of Plant and Soil Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 133-140 Published: 2009
Normative data for the Tygerberg Cognitive Battery and Mini-Mental Status Examination in a South African population. Annerine Roos, Dorothy Calata, Liesl Jonkers, Stephan J. Maritz, Willie M.U. Daniels, Frans J. Hugo,Kidd,M. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Volume 51, Issue 2, March-April 2010, Pages 207-216
Burkitt Lymphoma: Residual Abdominal Tumor Volume After Induction Therapy Correlates With Outcome. Hesseling P (Hesseling, Peter)1, McCormick P (McCormick, Peter)2, Kouya F (Kouya, Francine)2, Soh F (Soh, Felicite)2, Katayi T (Katayi, Tshimwanga)2, Noglik G (Noglik, Genny)2, Kenyu E (Kenyu, Ernest)2, Ngam I (Ngam, Ivo)2, Tata G (Tata, George)2,Kidd,M. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 761-762 Published: OCT 2010
THE EFFICACY OF PROFOUND ACID INHIBITION WITH ESOMEPRAZOLE 40 MG BD TO REVERSE C-MYB MRNA OVER-EXPRESSION IN PATIENTS WITH BARRETT'S OESOPHAGUS. Marais M (Marais, M.), Abbas Z (Abbas, Z.), Parker IM (Parker, I. M.), Kotze MJ (Kotze, M. J.), Van Rensburg CJ (Van Rensburg, C. J.),Kidd,M. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL Volume: 100 Issue: 7 Pages: 460-460 Published: JUL 2010
Glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase are regulated in response to nitrogen availability in Myocbacterium smegmatis. Harper CJ (Harper, Catriona J.), Hayward D (Hayward, Don), Wiid I (Wiid, Ian), van Helden P (van Helden, Paul),Kidd,M. BMC MICROBIOLOGY Volume: 10 Article Number: 138 Published: MAY 11 2010
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the Western Cape: A descriptive analysis. Kruger FC (Kruger, F. C.), Daniels C (Daniels, C.), Swart G (Swart, G.), Brundyn K (Brundyn, K.), van Rensburg C (van Rensburg, C.), Kotze MJ (Kotze, M. J.),Kidd,M. SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 168-171 Published: MAR 2010
Psychopatholgy, fundamental assumptions and CD-4 T lymphocyte counts in HIV-positive patients. Vink, F; Suliman, S; Buck, N; Seedat, S,Kidd,M. Afr J Psychiatry (Johannesbg) Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Pages: 267-74 Published: 2010 Sep
A retrospective review of trends and clinical characteristics of methamphetamine-related acute psychiatric admissions in a South African context. PJ Vos, KJ Cloete, A le Roux, GP Jordaan,Kidd,M. Afr J Psychiatry 2010;13:390-394
Childhood trauma in adults with social anxiety disorder and panic disorder: a cross-national study. C Lochner, S Seedat, C Allgulander, D Stein, A Gerdner,Kidd,M. Afr J Psychiatry 2010;13:376-381
Factors influencing success in first-year Accounting at a South African university: The profile of a successful first-year Accounting student. RS Baard, LP Steenkamp and BL Frick,Kidd,M. SAJAR, Vol 24 No. 1, 2010, pp.129 to 147
Fermentation-derived Aroma Compounds in Varietal Young Wines from South Africa. L. Louw, A.G.J. Tredoux, P. Van Rensburg, T. Naes and H.H. Nieuwoudt,Kidd,M. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic., Vol. 31, No. 2, 2010
Longitudinal developmental profile of children from low socio-economic circumstances in Cape Town, using the 1996 Griffiths Mental Development Scales. B Laughton, P E Springer, D Grove, S Seedat, M Cornell, S A Madhi, M F Cotton,Kidd,M. SAJCH DECEMBER 2010 VOL. 4 NO. 4
Developing a peak performance profile measurement for sport. Justus R. Potgieter,Kidd,M. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 2011, 33(3): 129-138
Health Claims on the Benefits of Moderate Alcohol Consumption in Relation to Genetic Profiles. D.P. VAN VELDEN, M.J. KOTZE, D.M. BLACKHURST, J.L. MARNEWICK,Kidd,M. Journal of Wine Research, 2011, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 123–129
Investigation of telomere length and psychological stress in rape victims. Stefanie Malan, Sian Hemmings, Lindi Martin and Soraya Seedat,Kidd,M. Depression and Anxiety, Vol 28, issue 12, pp1081-1085, Dec 2011
Premasticating Food for Weaning African Infants: A Possible Vehicle for Transmission of HIV. Elke R. Maritz and Mark F. Cotton,Kidd,M. Pediatrics 2011;128;e579; originally published online August 28, 2011
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Alters Mycobacterium Bovis BCG-Induced Cytokine Production in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Contraceptive Users. Leanie Kleynhans, Nelita Du Plessis, Gillian F. Black, Andre´ G. Loxton, Paul D. van Helden, Gerhard Walzl, Katharina Ronacher,Kidd,M. PLoS ONE, September 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 9 | e24639
The 30-year cardiovascular risk profile of South Africans with diagnosed diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, pre-diabetes or normoglycaemia: the Bellville, South Africa pilot study. TANDI E MATSHA, MOGAMAT S HASSAN, MARTIN KIDD, RAJIV T ERASMUS,Kidd,M. CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA, Vol 23, No 1, February 2012
The clinical utility and cost effectiveness of routine thyroid screening in adult psychiatric patients presenting at Stikland Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. A Lachman, KJ Cloete, M Kidd, R Schoeman,Kidd,M. Afr J Psychiatry 2012;15:36-41
The Cameroon 2008 Burkitt Lymphoma Protocol: Improved Event-Free Survival with Treatment Adapted to Disease Stage and the Response to Induction Therapy. P. B. Hesseling, E. Njume, F. Kouya, T. Katayi, P. Wharin, M. Tamannai, P. Achu, and P. McCormick,Kidd,M. Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, March 2012, Vol. 29, No. 2 , Pages 119-129
Cross-Cultural Validation of a Measure of Felt Stigma in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Elizabeth Kock, Chris Molteno, Ntathu Mfiki, Afia Ali–, Michael King– and Andre Strydom,Kidd,M. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2012, 25, 11–19
Differential effects of escitalopram challenge on disgust processing in obsessive–compulsive disorder. Christine Lochner, Candice Simmons, Samuel R. Chamberlain, Naomi A. Fineberg, Jack van Honk, Jonathan Ipser, Dan J. Stein,Kidd,M. Behavioural Brain Research 226 (2012) 274– 280
Selective attention to fearful faces during pregnancy. Annerine Roos, Christine Lochner, Jack van Honk, Bavanisha Vyt