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Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

Whenever I require any personal documents, my request is handle almost immediately.

Illana Oliver.Lawrence Ashworth.021 8083363NoClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
1/5/2021 12:06
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​She provided me with decent and efficient service. She has shown a touch of care, which I thought is crucial to represent Human Resources Client Services!

Ms Illana Oliver    Client Services Officer;  Human Resources;  e:  | t: +27 21 808 2753  |   a: Admin CDr Phumla Kese0782009731YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
10/30/2020 12:53
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​I needed clarification about the criteria and opportunities for research leave in 2021. The  Client Services Officer was patient with me and went beyond expectations in providing support.

​I appreciate the quality of her service and positive commitment displayed.

Ms Illana OliverP.P. Kese0782009731YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
10/29/2020 18:33
Good service rendered\Goeie diens gelewer

​terugvoering is vinnig en ttersaaklik

e-pos en Glen fruin Meadows  - 13 , Hermanus 7200 mnr E wald  Wessels en Me M L Dutoit0823367917YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
6/22/2020 16:47
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer
Fides ClaassensRika Carstens0726587621YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
4/24/2020 11:58
Unacceptable service\Onaanvaarbare diens

​On 14 February I wrote to Oscar Grand asking if he could arrange an HR letter for me supporting my need for a second SA passport as I am travelling a lot this year and need to have a passport while another passport is in for a visa at an embassy.  I wrote out the full draft text of the letter as I thought this might be an unusual request.  Oscar was away, so I wrote to Keith Robain, who very efficiently passed my query on. Ricardo Steyn responded with a visa letter form.  I pointed out that I was not applying for a visa but for second passport, but filled in the letter anyway.  I explained that I was not going to waste the time of my chair to sign the visa letter as I did not want a visa. I received a one-line email which read: 

Dear Prof Swartz

The visa application form needs to be signed.


I then got my chair to sign the vis application form, even though as I had said repeatedly that I was not asking for a visa letter.  On 19 Feb, Mr Steyn sent me a visa letter, something which I had not asked for.  I immediately responded as follows:

Dear Ricardo

Thank you.  As I mentioned, I do not need a visa letter at this stage – I need a letter for Home Affairs to support my getting a second passport.  Please can you help me with that letter?

I really appreciate your help. 

Best wishes


I did not receive and answer to this email.  In desperation, I again approached my chair (who is very busy) and she signed the HR letter I had prepared and sent to HR on 4 February, and I went to Home Affairs, who do insist on a letter for a second passport, and luckily they accepted it.  To give Ricardo feedback, I wrote an email to him yesterday (26 Feb) which reads:

Dear Ricardo

Thank you for your help with this.  I would like to give you some feedback. 

In my original email to you I made it clear that I was not in need of a visa letter at this stage but in need of a letter from the university supporting my need for a second passport.  I made it clear on the visa form that it was not the right form, and  why I was not having it signed, but you asked for it to be filled in and signed.  I did not need a visa letter but a second passport letter.  In my original email I drafted for you what needed to be in this letter.

On 19 February you sent me a visa letter but did not send me a letter for a second passport, which was what I needed.  I wrote to you on that same day once again asking for a letter for a second passport. 

I have not heard from you since then.  

Eventually, I asked my departmental chair to sign the visa letter, which she did.  Today I went to Home Affairs, and they told me that without a letter of the type I had drafted and eventually had signed by my chair, they would not have set in motion the process for me to get the second passport. 

I do appreciate your help, but I think it may be helpful for you to know about this in case other people ask HR for a letter for a second passport.  If you believe that HR should not be giving out such letters, then please tell me, but it does make it difficult for me when my requests do not seem to be read properly. 

Thank you for all your help over the years.  I hope this feedback is helpful to you.

Best wishes.


I received the following email in response:

Dear Prof Swart

We do not draft that type of letters.


It seems to me that there are three issues here.  The first is that a lot of time has been wasted with this - if Ricardo had read my first email and you do not draft those sorts of letters, he could have told me this without wasting everyone's time (I feel especially bad for wasting the time of my departmental chair, who has better things to do than sign forms which do not need to be signed).  The second is that I see no evidence that Ricardo will inform anyone that HR may well be asked to write letters other than visa letters - I don't see why you cannot draft letters of that kind.  The third issue is that despite the fact that throughout this process I have really tried to be polite, Ricardo has in my view been rude to me.  It is not polite simply not to reply to an email you don't like.  It is not polite not to acknowledge a mistake, which clearly has been made here, and in my reading, when I get a one-line letter of instruction from Ricardo which ignores my communication with him, and then a one-liner in which I (with my name misspelled, but this is a minor issue) am at last informed that the service which I have asked for is not offered, and no acknowledgement of what has gone before, this was also rude.

​I understand that your division, like my own, has challenges, and generally (including from Ricardo) I get excellent service.  I think, though, that this is an example of poor, rude, and time-wasting service.

I suggest that your staff:

Read requests sent to them properly.

Respond to what is actually asked and not to something else.

Respond to emails and not just ignore ones they don't like

Respond politely

Say at the start of an interaction if a service is not offered

Explore whether this service should be offered.

Please can you let me know what action, if any, is taken on the basis of my feedback.

Thanks very much.

Ricardo SteynLeslie Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
2/27/2020 8:48
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer
Ncedo Senzangabom0814977325YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
11/20/2019 16:04
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​Mnr Ricardo Steyn het blitsig gereageer op 'n navraag oor aantal studie-geleentheid dae

Jeremy Punt2615YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
9/20/2019 10:05
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

I would like to appreciate them for their prompt reply with my enquiries.

Sibulele0717169887NoClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
8/6/2019 11:03
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​Such a prompt response, within minutes!

Fides ClaassensHoffie Conradie0828557568YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
7/3/2019 19:40
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer
Fides ClaasenLimeez0219389804YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
3/26/2019 9:28
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​Alvira is altyd 'n staatmaker, vriendelik en hulpvaardig.

Alvira AlbertusMadél Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
11/26/2018 9:30
Good service rendered\Goeie diens gelewer

​The service of Ilana Oliver and Ricardo Steyn have really been very effective and efficient at the Client Service Desk.  There has been a tremendous improvement in responsetimes, which is highly appreciated.

Ilana Oliver and Ricardo SteynFides Claassens0219389670YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
8/27/2018 18:09
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer
Ricardo Steyn  Amber Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
6/12/2018 14:30
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer
TesttestYesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
3/19/2018 4:48
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer

​testing final

​testing final​testing final​testing finalYesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
3/8/2018 11:17
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer


anonanonanonYesClient Service Centre \ KlientedienssentrumSharePoint App3/7/2018 20:44
Exceptional service rendered\Uitsonderlike diens gelewer


testtesttestYesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
3/7/2018 20:44
Good service rendered\Goeie diens gelewer

​Ek het gevra dat KDS 'n persoon se verloftransaksie laai en verkeerde UT no deurgegee. Monique het egter die verlof teen die regte persoon se rekord gelaai wat beteken sy moes die hele epos deurgelees het om die regte persoon te kon opspoor. Sy het glad nie terug gekom om dit met my te bevestig nie, net laat weet dat die verlof nou gelaai is. Dankie Monique!

Monique Muller-AdamsMandyx2751YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
11/7/2017 15:31
Unacceptable service\Onaanvaarbare diens

​In my kontak met Alvira Albertus, spesifiek epos kommunkasie, was my ondervinding sover nie goed gewees nie.  Sy is in my mening nie professioneel in haar geskrewe kommunikasie nie.  My kollega, Nomusa Hlongwa, het dieselfde ondervind met Alvira.  Sy sal haar kliëntediens moet verskerp en veral haar eposse op 'n professionele wyse hanteer aangesien sy vir Menslike Hulpbronne werk en met baie kliënte omgaan.

Alvira AlbertusPetro Newman021 808 2128YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
10/19/2017 9:33
Service needs improvement\Diens moet verbeter

​Klientediens toonbank kom nie terug op navrae.  Ek het op 12 September al vir Ricardo Steyn gevra om vir my iets aan te stuur en dis nou 'n maand later.  Versoeke met navrae oor kraamverlof word nie geantwoord nie.  Indien hulle nog werk aan die saak, kan hulle ten minste net bevestig dat hulle die versoek ontvang het, maar geen terugvoer word gegee nie.  As die diens aan ons eie Afdeling se mense so is, is ek regtig bekommerd oor die diens na buite. 

Klientedienstoonbank Fides Claassens 0219389670YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
10/10/2017 13:21
Good service rendered\Goeie diens gelewer

For the past 12years at the University I have nothing but praises for our HR team. Fides, Fawzia and Lucinda Thank you

Fides, Fawzia and Lucinda, and another young gentleman name to me unknownJoretha Arendse0219384912YesClient Service Centre \ Klientedienssentrum
10/3/2017 12:19