Division of Radiodiagnosis
Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology 2020
- Imaging in COVID-19: Around the world and around the corner. S Griffith-Richards.
Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology 2019
- Abdominal CT for blunt trauma at Tygerberg Hospital: Does clinical information on the electronic request predict the findings? KB Beviss-Challinor
- Diagnostic yield of CT Angiography in Penetrating Lower Extremity trauma. AP le Roux.
- The role of an integrated digital radiology system in assessing the impact of patient load on the accuracy of radiology registrar reports for emergency computed tomography: A retrospective analysis. CG Mwinga.
- Magnetic resonance imaging pre- and post-scan times as a measure of service efficiency in a resource-limited environment.
NB van Rooyen.
- Cavitary plaques in otosclerosis: an overlooked radiological sign in the inner ear. K Jansen.
- Risk stratification of young children presenting to ambulatory paediatrics with first-onset seizures: Should we order an urgent CT brain? J Brugman.
- The efficacy of pineapple juice as a negative oral contrast agent in magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP).
S Mohabir.
- Measurement begets management: A descriptive analysis of licensed Zambian radiological resources. C Mbewe.
Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology 2018
- Touch, pause, engage…injury sustained. Radiological findings of children referred to Tygerberg Hospital Radiology who has sustained rugby injuries. Seymour van der Merwe.
- Dr Marie Grobbelaar Memorial Lecture: Effects of White matter damage is not detected on directed neurodevelopmental assessments at 5 years in HIV infected children on combination antiretroviral therapy from early infancy. C Ackermann.
- An audit of polytrauma fracture detection in Cape Town trauma units utilizing the Lodox Statscan whole-body digital X-ray machine. Holdt FC.
- Radiological studies in very low birth weight and extremely low birth weight neonates: ‘ALARA’ revisited. Surjit Damon Jeetoo.
- Evaluation of the role of Non-Echo-Planar Diffusion Weighted Imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging in sparing “2 nd -look”surgery after modified (attic inclusion, mastoid exclusion) Canal Wall Up-surgery for Cholesteatoma in a resource-constrained setting. Eksteen C.
- The role of the radiology information system (RIS) in assessing the impact of patient load on emergency computed tomography (CT) efficiency. Suzanne O’Hagan.
- A critical analysis of the utilisation of diagnostic radiology services at Tygerberg Hospital for the 10-year period ending December 2017. Camilla Le Roux.
- High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in vertically infected HIV positive adolescents on ART. Anne-Marie du Plessis.
Prof RD Pitcher
Dr S van der Merwe
Dr C Ackermann
Dr FC Holdt
Dr C le Roux and Dr K Jansen
Ms le Roux and Me Mintoor
Dr B Janse van Rensburg, Dr M Liu, Sr S Mohabir, Dr A Mkhize