Family and Emergency Medicine
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Department of Family and Emergency Medicine



The Division of Emergency Medicine at Stellenbosch University was formed in 2001. Emergency Medicine only became recognised as a speciality by the Health Professions Council of South Africa in March 2003. The College of Emergency Medicine (CEMSA) was subsequently founded in 2004, and the first registrars at Stellenbosch University started in their posts in January 2005.
The division works closely with the Division of Emergency Medicine at the University of Cape Town under the banner of Emergency Medicine Cape Tow n (EMCT) . EMCT is a joint venture between the two Universities and Western Cape Government: Health. 


Family Medicine and Primary Care is the Division responsible for training medical practitioners to work in primary health care, district hospitals and district health services. The Division trains medical students, interns and registrars with the competencies required to work as generalists in these settings. The Division is responsible for the holistic medical care of individuals within the context of their families and community. The Division builds research capacity and conducts research to address priority research questions in these focus areas. The Division collaborates with health services to improve service delivery and have a social impact. In addition the Division promotes environmentally sustainable and resilient health services.

Read: The contribution of family physicians to district health services: a position paper for the National Department of Health.​