Political Science
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Prof Anthony Leysens


PhD (Stellenbosch)

Click here for full CV

Teaching ​specialisation

International Political Economy, International Relations

Research​ interests

The political economy of  South Africa  with a specific focus on state, capital, labour, social movents and economic policy. Applying critical theory to explain the African state form and regionalism within the context of  local social forces and the dynamics of the contemporary world order. The politics of online communities of interest and imagined communities.

Curre​nt research projects

The political economy of transformation and transition in South Africa, focusing on the form of state, economic policy, economic restructuring and governing political economic coalitions. The politics of online communities with a focus on veterans of the South African border war.

Recent p​ublications

"Civil society in Southern Africa – transformers from below?" in Journal of Southern African Studies (forthcoming in 2015, with Tim Zajontz)