PhD Students
Adegoke Adetoro
PhD Horticultural Science
Development of value-added fruit products

Gilbert Ampem
PhD Food Science
Quality oil from pomegranate kernels
Ebrahiema Arendse
PhD Food Science
Non-destructive measurement and prediction of pomegranate fruit quality
Zinash Belay
PhD Food Science
Modelling and optimization of active modified atmosphere packaging for pomegranate arils
Anelle Blanckenberg
PhD Horticultural Science
Quantifying and minimizing postharvest fruit losses
Andries Daniels
PhD Viticulture
Non-destructive multi-evaluation of table grape quality parameters and defects

Tobi Fadiji
PhD Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical design and performance evaluation of ventilated packages
Zaharan Hussein
PhD Food Science
Bruise damage susceptibility of pomegranate and impacts on fruit quality

Robert Lufu
PhD Food Science
Mechanism and control of fruit weight loss
PhD Food Science
Resistance to airflow and cooling characteristics of pomegranate fruit inside ventilated packaging

Karen Munhuweyi
PhD Food Science
Active packaging of whole and minimally processed pomegranate fruit
MSc Students
Tatenda Kawhena
MSc Horticultural Science
Non-chemical storage technologies for apple (Granny Smith) and pear (Packham's Triumph) superficial scald prevention
Ndubuisi Mafudor
MEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Development and testing of non-destructive bio-sensors for detecting pathogen diseases in plants

Faith Mokapane
MSc Horticultural Science
The effect of pre-treatments to preserve quality attributes and functional properties and to prolong shelf-life of dried pomegranate co-products

Lorian Yanclo
MSc Food Science
Effects of heat treatments on postharvest quality and shelf life of pomegranate fruit and arils