IG consists of three centres, namely Institutional Information, Business Intelligence and Information Policy
The purpose of IG is to:
- Develop a vision for information and how information can create value for the organisation
- Provide management information, standard reports and analytics to support decision-making
- Support institutional strategy, planning and policy development
- Service institutional information requests
- Provide self-service functions for information retrieval
- Improve and extend information systems such as SUNStudent, SUN-i and HEMIS
- Support statutory reporting
- Process institutional permission requests
- Identify and mitigate information risks
- Develop a framework to comply with legislative requirements
IG supports the following strategic goals of the University:
- Enhancement of business intelligence capability to inform decision-making
- Development of management information dashboards
- Investigation into the size and shape of the University and the implementation thereof
- Enhancement of the strategic enrolment planning process
- Establishment of SU norms and standards
- Improving SU's international ranking profile