Information Governance
Welcome to Stellenbosch University
About us

The Division for Information Governance (IG) forms part of the management portfolio of Strategy and Internationalisation.

 IG consists of three centres, namely Institutional Information, Business Intelligence​ and Information Policy

 The purpose of IG is to:​ 

  • Develop a vision for information and how information can create value for the organisation 
  • Provide management information, standard reports and analytics to support decision-making 
  • Support institutional strategy, planning and policy development 
  • Service institutional information requests 
  • Provide self-service functions for information retrieval 
  • Improve and extend information systems such as SUNStudent, SUN-i and HEMIS 
  • Support statutory reporting 
  • Process institutional permission requests 
  • Identify and mitigate information risks 
  • Develop a framework to comply with legislative requirements ​ 

IG supports the following strategic goals of the University: 

  • Enhancement of business intelligence capability to inform decision-making 
  • Development of management information dashboards 
  • Investigation into the size and shape of the University and the implementation thereof 
  • Enhancement of the strategic enrolment planning process 
  • Establishment of SU norms and standards 
  • Improving SU's international ranking profile ​