DR J JOORST +27 21 808 2398 jpjoorst@sun.ac.za
- PGCE (Education Governance, Management and Leadership)
- BEdHons (Introduction to Education Research Methods)
PROF N DAVIDS +27 21 808 2877 nur@sun.ac.za
- PGCE (Philosophy of Education)
- BEdHons (Education Management)
DR E RINQUEST 021 808 2263 erinquest@sun.ac.za
- BEd III ( Sociology of Education)
- BEd III ( Education and Policy Management)
DR J FELDMAN 021 808 2296 jfeldman@sun.ac.za
- PGCE: (History & Sociology of Education)
- BEd Hons: (Development organisation and Policy management)
DR P SIMBA 021 808 2419 psimba@sun.ac.za
BEd IV ( Philosophy of Education )
BEd Hons: (Education and Society)