Welcome to Stellenbosch University


Sugnet Lubbe, Johané Nienkemper-Swanepoel, Niël le Roux, Raeesa Ganey, Ruan Buys, Zoë-Mae Adams, Peter Manefeldt

Biplots have proved to be valuable visualisation tools in exploratory data analysis. To date the use of biplots for interdisciplinary applications has been limited since current implementation tools are constraint to expert users. The biplotEZ R package was published on CRAN as a user-friendly package to enable and empower practitioners and researchers of varying skills to apply biplots more widely in many disciplines, especially in the current era of big data. Currently the package makes provision for Principal Component Analysis biplots, Canonical Variate Analysis biplots, Correspondence Analysis biplots and Regression biplots (both with linear regression axes or spline based axes). Work is continuing with respect to Multiple Correspondence Analysis biplots, Analysis of Distance biplots and more.​
