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  • Buys, R. van der Merwe, C. 2023. bipl5: Construct Reactive Calibrated Axes Biplots. R package version 1.0.2:
  • Lubbe, S., le Roux, N., Nienkemper-Swanepoel, J., Ganey, R. & van der Merwe, C. 2023. biplotEZ: EZ-to-Use Biplots. R package version 1.0.​. Development version:​
  • Beh, E. J., Lombardo, R. & Clavel, J. G. (eds.). 2023. Analysis of Categorical Data from Historical Perspectives: Essays in Honour of the Shizuhiko Nishisato, Springer.​
  • Guilbault, E., Renner, I., Beh, E. J. and Mahony, M. 2023. A practical approach to making use of uncertain species presence-only data in ecology: reclassification​, regularization methods and observer bias. Ecological Informatics, 77, 102155. DOI:
  • Nienkemper-Swanepoel, J., le Roux, N.J. Gardner-Lubbe, S. 2023. GPAbin: unifying visualizations of multiple imputations for missing values. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 52(6): 2666-2685. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2021.1914089 (GitHub repository)
  • Nienkemper-Swanepoel, J., le Roux, N.J. & Gardner-Lubbe, S. 2023. On subset multiple correspondence analysis for incomplete multivariate categorical data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (in press). DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2023.2173779 (GitHub repository)
  • Beh, E. J., Tran, D. & Hudson, I. L. 2023. A generalization of the Aggregate Association Index (AAI): Incorporating a linear transformation of the cells of a 2x2 table, Metrika (in press).
  • Beh, E. J. & Lombardo, R. 2023. Correspondence analysis using the Cressie-Read family of divergence statistics. International Statistical Review (in press). DOI:
  • Beh, E. J., Lombardo, R. & Wang, T.-W. 2023. Power transformations and reciprocal averaging, In Analysis of Categorical Data from Historical Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Shizuhiko Nishisato (Beh, E. J., Lombardo, R. & Clavel, J. G. eds), Springer, Singapore, 26 pages (in press).
  • Guilbault, E., Renner, I., Beh, E. J. & Mahony, M. 2023. A practical approach to making use of uncertain species presence-only data in ecology: reclassification, regularization methods and observer bias. Ecological Informatics, 77, 102155 (32 pages). DOI:
  • Lombardo, R., van de Velden, M. & Beh, E. J  2023. Three-way correspondence analysis in R, The R Journal, 15/2, 237 – 262.
  • Alzahrani, A., Beh. E. J. & Stojanovski, E. 2023. A visual examination of Selikoff’s “20-year rule” using correspondence analysis and the Cressie-Read family of divergence statistics. In Vaze, J., Chilcott, C., Hutley, L. & Cuddy, S. M. (eds) MODSIM2023, 25th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, July 2023, pp. 38 – 44. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-0-0.
  • Alzahrani, A., Beh, E. J. & Stojanovski, E. 2023. Confidence regions for simple correspondence analysis using the Cressie-Read family of divergence statistics, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 16 (2), 423 – 448.
  • Beh, E. J. & Wang, T.-W. 2023. On the p-value for members of the Cressie-Read family of divergence statistics, Austrian Journal of Statistics, 52 (5), 1 – 15. DOI:
  • Alzahrani, A. A., Beh, E. J. & Stojanovski, E. 2023. Exploring the association between self-efficacy and future utility beliefs in mathematics: a practical tutorial on correspondence analysis, PLoS One, 18(3), e0282696 (14 pages). DOI:


  • ., Beh, E. J. & Hudson, I. L. 2022. Asymptotic characteristics of the non-iterative estimates of the linear-by-linear association parameter for ordinal log-linear models, Computation, 10(12), 206. DOI:
  • ​Beh, E.J. & Lombardo, R. 2022. Visualising departures from symmetry and Bowker's X^2 statistic, Symmetry​, 14, 1103. DOI: