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2021 Request for Applications_ SAMRC Self-initiated Research Grants (COVID 19).pdf
5/10/2021 14:57Prins, Whitney []
AC21 Funding for small international research collaboration projects 2022.pdf
10/7/2021 8:58Prins, Whitney []
CALL - Fulbright Scholarship for Experienced Researchers .pdf
2/23/2021 14:06Prins, Whitney []
CALL - Thuthuka - Early Career Researchers 1.pdf
2/23/2021 13:58Prins, Whitney []
Call for Applications - Sasol-NRF University Collaborative Research Grant 2022.pdf
9/29/2021 10:49Prins, Whitney []
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS NRF Research Travel Training and Hosting of Conference 1.pdf
2/23/2021 12:19Prins, Whitney []
Call for Research Proposals  Project Africa GRADIENT.pdf
2/23/2021 14:09Prins, Whitney []
CALL Trans-Atlantic Platform in a Post-Pandemic World  SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES.pdf
5/27/2021 10:20Prins, Whitney []
CALL_  Japan-Africa collaboration - Environmental Science.pdf
8/11/2021 11:42Prins, Whitney []
CALL_  SA-Belgium (Wallonia) - all research areas.pdf
8/19/2021 11:57Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ ARISE-PP - Early Career Scientists - all fields of research .pdf
6/28/2021 11:40Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ BRICS pre-proposals.pdf
9/29/2021 10:19Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ Collaboration with researchers in the UK (Natural Sciences).pdf
5/10/2021 10:42Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ DRD Travel Grant_ Internasionale Reis_ International Travel.pdf
6/21/2021 12:36Prins, Whitney []
Call_ EU co-funded ERA-MIN3 1.pdf
2/23/2021 12:19Prins, Whitney []
Call_ EU-SA Joint Programme Biodiversa (deadline for pre-proposal 30 November 2021).pdf
10/7/2021 8:51Prins, Whitney []
Call_ Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Programme (deadline 16 January 2022).pdf
12/8/2021 8:18Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ Newton UK Fellowship (natural science) .pdf
5/10/2021 11:33Prins, Whitney []
CALL_ Wellcome Trust Early Career award .pdf
9/9/2021 10:40Prins, Whitney []
Call_ Winetech 2022_2023 applications_ Submission date 21 February 20022.pdf
12/8/2021 8:24Prins, Whitney []
Calls  NIH health related funding opportunities_ NIH12-16.pdf
6/9/2021 15:51Prins, Whitney []
9/9/2021 10:37Prins, Whitney []
Calls_ Gates Foundation grant opportunities (Deadline 13 January 2022).pdf
12/8/2021 8:28Prins, Whitney []
Calls_ Horizon Europe boosts EU-Africa cooperation in research & innovation.pdf
6/28/2021 11:36Prins, Whitney []
CSIR_ Call for ALC Research Collaboration proposals for the 2022_23 funding year.pdf
9/29/2021 10:56Prins, Whitney []
CSIR_ Call for applications - ALC Knowledge Exchange Program - 2022.pdf
9/29/2021 11:00Prins, Whitney []
MRC Call for Proposals_ Effective implementation and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines.pdf
9/29/2021 10:28Prins, Whitney []
2/23/2021 12:19Prins, Whitney []
NRF CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FBIP (Small Grants and concept notes for Large Integrated Team Projects) 1.pdf
2/23/2021 12:19Prins, Whitney []
NRF CALL FOR APPLICATIONS General Research Grants (Competitive support for Unrated Rated and Y-Rated Researchers) 1.pdf
2/23/2021 12:19Prins, Whitney []
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