Agricultural Economics
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Publications 2022​​​​

​Journal Articles (subsidised)​
ALSTON J, PARDEY PG, RAO X. Payoffs to a half century of CGIAR research. American journal of agricultural economics 2022; 104:502-529.
BOATEMAA S, DRIMIE SE, DAVIDS RD, DELPORT C, HAWKES CH, MABHAUDHI T, NGIDI MN, SLOTOW RS, PEREIRA L. The complex challenge of governing food systems: The case of South Africa food policy. Food Security 2022; 14(1):883-896.
BRUWER J, COHEN J. Craft beer in the situational context of restaurants: effects of product involvement and antecedents. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 2022; 34(6):2199-2226.
CHAI Y, PARDEY PG, SILVERSTEIN K. Scientific selection: A century of increasing crop varietal diversity in US wheat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022; 119(51):1-12.
CLOETE JC, GREYLING JC, DELPORT M. Strategic perspectives on quitting or remaining in commercial agriculture in South Africa and why it matters. Agrekon 2022; 61(1):94-108.
CORSI AM, LOCKSHIN L, LOUVIERE J, COHEN J, BRUWER J. Bridging the gap between trade operators and consumers to better understand the U.S. wine market: A simultaneous application of discrete choice experiments. Industrial marketing management 2022; 106:152-165.
DAVIDS T, VINK N, CLOETE JC. Covid-19 and the South African wine industry. Agrekon 2022; 61(1):42-51.
DAVIES C, PAGE B, DRIESENER C, ANESBURY Z, YANG S, BRUWER J. The power of nostalgia: Age and preference for popular music. Marketing letters 2022; 33:681-692.
DE LANGE WJ, BOAST K, KLEYNHANS TE. Modelling cost-effective clearing solutions for invasive alien trees: A case study on wilding conifers. Journal of Environmental Management 2022; 316:1-8.
GOW JA, RANA R H, MOSCOVICI D, UGAGLIA AA, VALENZUELA L, MIHAILESCU R, COELLI R. Australian consumers and environmental characteristics of wine: price premium indications. International Journal of Wine Business Research 2022; 34(4):542-566.
LAW CH, ZHANG Y, GOW JA, VU X. Dynamic relationship between air transport, economic growth and inbound tourism in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT 2022; 98:1-9.
LAW CH, ZHANG Y, GOW JA. Airline service quality, customer satisfaction, and repurchase Intention: Laotian air passengers’ perspective. Case Studies on Transport Policy 2022; 10:741-750.
LELE U, VINK N. Agriculture under the 4th industrial revolution. Agricultural Economics 2022; 53:851-854.
MAZUNGUNYE PP, PUNT C. Industrialisation for structural transformation: Economy-wide impacts of agro-processing development in Tanzania. Development Southern Africa 2022; 39(3):400-423.
MEYER FH, KIRSTEN JF, DAVIDS T, DELPORT M, VERMEULEN H, SIHLOBO W, ANELICH LECM. A sector-wide review of the COVID-19 impact on the South African agricultural sector during 2020-21. Agrekon 2022; 61(1):3-20.
MEYER FH, REARDON T, DAVIDS T, VAN DER MERWE M, JORDAAN D, DELPORT M, VAN DEN BURGH G. Hotspots of vulnerability and disruption in food value chains during COVID-19 in South Africa: industry- and firm-level “pivoting” in response. Agrekon 2022; 61(1):21-41.
MOSCOVICI D, GOW JA, UGAGLIA AA, REZWANUL R, VALENZUELA L, MIHAILESCU R. Consumer preferences for organic wine - Global analysis of people and place. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022; 368:1-12.
OGUNDEJI AA, DANSO-ABBEAM G, JOOSTE A. Climate information pathways and farmers’ adaptive capacity: insights from south Africa. Environmental Development 2022; 44:1-14. PARDEY PG, ALSTON J. Unpacking the Agricultural Black Box: The Rise and Fall of American Farm Productivity Growth. Journal of economic history 2021; 81(1):114-155.
RAMDHONY D, RASHID A, GOW JA, SOOBAROYEN T. The Influence of Corporate Governance and Corporate Foundations on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting Practices. Journal of African Business 2022; 23(3):816-832.
RUNCK BC, JOGLEKAR AKB, SILVERSTEIN K, CHAN-KANG C, PARDEY PG, WILGENBUSCH J. Digital agriculture platforms: Driving data-enabled agricultural innovation in a world fraught with privacy and security concerns. Agronomy Journal 2022; 114:2635-2643.
SABA S, SARKER AR, GOW JA. Determinants of non-farm income diversification strategies and decisions of Bangladesh farm households. Economic Analysis and Policy 2022; 76:226- 235.
TROOST C, KIRSTEN JF. Producer prices, carcass classification and consumers' willingness to pay for different sheep meat grades: an experimental auction approach. Agrekon 2022; 61(2):121-137.
VALENZUELA L, ORTEGA R, MOSCOVICI D, GOW JA, UGAGLIA AA, MIHAILESCU R. Consumer Willingness to Pay for SustainableWine—The Chilean Case. Sustainability 2022; 14:1-14. VINK N, CONRADIE B, MATTHEWS N. The Economics of Agricultural Productivity in South Africa. Annual Review of Resource Economics 2022; 14:131-149.
VINK N. African agricultural development: How are we contributing?. Agricultural Economics 2022; 53:540-562.
WILGENBUSCH J, PARDEY PG, BERGSTROM A. Big data promises and obstacles: Agricultural data ownership and privacy. Agronomy Journal 2022; 114:2619-2623.
WILGENBUSCH J, PARDEY PG, HOSPODARSKY N, LYNCH BJ. Addressing new data privacy realities affecting agricultural research and development: A tiered-risk, standards-based approach. Agronomy Journal 2022; 114:2653-2668.
ZANTSI SA, MAZWANE S, GREYLING JC. Determinants of potential land reform beneficiaries’ willingness to relocate from their former homeland homestead farms to commercial farms. South African Geographical Journal 2022; 104(2):213-230.

Doctoral completed
CLOETE JC. Investigating farm-level exit decisions and exit rates in commercial agriculture in South Africa, an agent-based approach. **MISSING DEGREE**, 2022. 112 pp. Promotor: HOFFMANN WH.
GHEZELBASH A. Organic wine: choice and consumer value perceptions. PhD, 2022. 187 pp. Promotor: Said E. Medepromotor: VINK N, VAN DER MERWE M.

Masters completed
ANNANDALE DL. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Opportunity or pipedream for South Africa’s Agricultural Exports. MAgric Agri Business Magament, 2022. 228 pp. Studieleier: JOOSTE A.
CAMPHER RP. The Financial and Management Implications of Integrating Beef Cattle into Crop Rotation Systems of the Middle Swartland. MAgric Agri Business Magament, 2022. 107 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
EHLERS J. Considerations of Long Term Enterprise Selection for the Water Scarce Little Karoo area. MScAgric, 2022. 103 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
VOLSCHENK ME. The Development of a Farmer Competency Model for South Africa. MScAgric, 2022. 106 pp. Studieleier: KLEYNHANS TE.

Publications 2021

Journal Articles (subsidised)​
​HEELO T, VAN DER MERWE M. What factors influence smallholder farmers’ decision to select a milk marketing channel in Zambia?. Agrekon 2021; 60(3):243-252.
CONRADIE B, GENIS A, GREYLING JC, PIESSE J. District-level agricultural total factor productivity for the Karoo, South Africa: 1952–2002. Agrekon 2021; 60(2):128-144.
CONRADIE B, PIESSE J, STRAUSS J. Impact of heat and moisture stress on crop productivity: Evidence from the Langgewens Research Farm. South African Journal of Science 2021;117(9/10):1-7.
FOURIE J, GREYLING JC, MURARD E, DE KADT D, NORLING J. Correlates and consequences of the 1918 influenza in South Africa. South African Journal of Economics 2021;89(2):173-195.
KIRSTEN JF, SIHLOBO W, VINK N. In memoriam: Abdul Salam Mohammad Karaan (1968-2021). Agrekon 2021; 60(1):88-89.
MBOPHA MS, MARAIS C, KLEYNHANS TE, ESLER KJ. Unlocking and securing ecological infrastructure investments: The needs and willingness to invest and institutional supportmechanisms used. South African Journal of Science 2021; 117(9/10):Art. #8666, 9 pages.
MOSCOVICI D, REZWANUL R, MIHAILESCU R, GOW JA, UGAGLIA AA, VALENZUELA L, RINALDI A. Preferences for eco certified wines in the United States. International Journal of WineBusiness Research 2021; 33(2):153-175.
MULANDA SM, PUNT C. Characteristics of Zambia’s agricultural sector and the role for agricultural policy: Insights from CGE modelling. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics2021; 58:300-312.
PIENAAR LP, ZANTSI S, GREYLING JC. A typology of emerging farmers in three rural provinces of South Africa: what are the implications for the land redistribution policy?.International journal of social economics 2021; 48(5):724-747.
PRAYAG G, DISEGNA M, BRUWER J. Do Satisfied Cellar Door Visitors Want to Revisit? Linking Past Knowledge and Consumption Behaviors To Satisfaction and Intention to Return.Tourism Analysis 2021; 26:211-224.
TEMBA BA, DARNELL RE, GICHANGI A, LEWEZAURA D, PARDEY PG, HARVEY JJ, KARANJA J, MASSOMO SMS, OTA N, WAINAINA JM, FLETCHER MT, KRITICOS DJ. The Influence ofWeather on the Occurrence of Aflatoxin B1 in Harvested Maize from Kenya and Tanzania. Foods 2021; 10(2):1-13.
UGAGLIA AA, NIKLAS B, RINKE W, MOSCOVICI D, GOW JA, VALENZUELA L, MIHAILESCU R. Consumer preferences for certified wines in France: A comparison of sustainable labels.Wine Economics and Policy 2021; 10(2):75-86.
VINK N. Reflections on two terms as editor of Agrekon. Agrekon 2021; 60(1):7-9.
ZANTSI S, GREYLING JC. Land redistribution in South Africa’s land reform policy: a better way to select beneficiaries. Agrekon 2021; 60(2):108-127.
ZANTSI S, MACK G, VINK N. Towards a viable farm size – determining a viable household income for emerging farmers in South Africa’s Land Redistribution Programme: an incomeaspiration approach. Agrekon 2021; 60(2):91-107.
ZANTSI S, NKUNJANA T. A review of possibilities for using animal tracking devices to mitigate stock theft in smallholder livestock farming systems in rural South Africa. South AfricanJournal of Agricultural Extension 2021; 49(1):162-182.
ZANTSI S. Explaining land size demand among potential emerging farmers in South Africa: what does it mean for land redistribution policy?. South African Geographical Journal 2021;103(4):519-539.
ZANTSI S. Why do agricultural co-operatives fail to attract youth and create rural employment? Evidence from a case study of Zanokhanyo in Butterworth, Eastern Cape. South AfricanJournal of Agricultural Extension 2021; 49(1):183-197.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
 CORSI AM, LOCKSHIN L, BRUWER J. The evolution of Australian wine consumer habits in the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. WINE & VITICULTURE JOURNAL 2021; 36(2):71-73.
MIHAILESCU R, MOSCOVICI D, UGAGLIA AA, VALENZUELA L, GOW JA, RINALDI A. Identifying the willingness to pay for eco-certified wine by South African consumers: A comparisonof biodynamic, fair trade and sustainably produced wines. Research in Hospitality Management 2021; 11(3):235-240.
PARDEY PG, ALSTON J. Unpacking the Agricultural Black Box: The Rise and Fall of American Farm Productivity Growth. The Journal of Economic History 2021; 81(1):114-155.
ZANTSI S, CLOETE JC, MÖHRING A. Productivity gap between commercial farmers and potential emerging farmers in South Africa: Implications for land redistribution policy. AppliedAnimal Husbandry & Rural Development 2021; 14:22-31.

Proceedings international
CAPITELLO R, BEGALLI D, BRUWER J, DE SALVO M. Landscape’s Relationships with Wine Consumer Behaviour Constructs from an Italian Wine Tourism Perspective. Landscape’sRelationships with Wine Consumer Behaviour Constructs from an Italian Wine Tourism Perspective, Academy of Wine Business Research 2021: 110-112.
GOW JA, DUTTON J, GRANT B. A Recent Development in Wine Classification Systems: Collective Family Ownership. 12th International Conference of the Academy of Wine BusinessResearch, Academy of Wine Business Research 2021: 34-43.

Chapters in Books
KIRSTEN JF, SIHLOBO W. Agriculture in South Africa. In: Oqubay A, Tregenna F, Valodia I (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxford,United Kingdom, 2021: 195-216.

Masters completed
AKOTH B. Potential of Amaranthus in improving urban farmers’ livelihoods in Kampala. MAgric Agri Business Magament, 2021. 82 pp. Studieleier: GREYLING JC.
BLAKER TN. Farm level barriers to the adoption of precision agriculture technologies in the South African maize industry: Variable Rate Application, Section Control and Guidance.MScAgric, 2021. 76 pp. Studieleier: GREYLING JC.
BOAST K. A cost comparison of aerial and ground-based approaches to alien invasive pines control in the Western Cape. MScAgric, 2021. 110 pp. Studieleier: KLEYNHANS TE.Medestudieleier: De Lange WJ.
DANIELS T. Estimating returns to Education and Experience in the South African Agricultural Industry. MScAgric, 2021. 76 pp. Studieleier: GREYLING JC.
DE VILLIERS TJ. Longer term financial implications of including cover crops into winter cereal based crop rotation systems in the Middle Swartland. MScAgric, 2021. 111 pp.Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: Strauss J.
HADEBE ZP. Assessing consumer post-response to a food safety scare in South Africa using behavioural game theory. MScAgric, 2021. 118 pp. Studieleier: PUNT C. Medestudieleier:GREYLING JC.
HAYWARD CT. The financial implications of regenerative agriculture in the Southern Cape and the subsequent impact on future animal and winter cereal crop production. MAgric AgriBusiness Magament, 2021. 104 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: Strauss J.
HELBERG CJ. A systematic approach to select new table grape varieties for cultivation. MAgric Agri Business Magament, 2021. 199 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
LOURENS C. The long term financial implications of cover crops in summer cereal systems in the Eastern Free State area. MScAgric, 2021. 126 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
PYMAN DH. The risk-return trade-off to diversified agriculture in Malawi: A quadratic programming approach. MScAgric, 2021. 95 pp. Studieleier: GREYLING JC.
SANGANZA H. A Competitive advantage analysis of the South African vegetable sector: tomatoes, carrots and onions. MScAgric, 2021. 111 pp. Studieleier: TRAUB LN.
SMIT BA. Farm level financial implications of foot-and-mouth disease control in extensive beef production systems. MScAgric, 2021. 85 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
STEAD B. Indicators and considerations for sustainable short rotation winter cereal production systems in the Overberg. MSc, 2021. 126 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.Medestudieleier: Strauss J.

Publications 2020
Journal Articles (subsidised)​
​AHMED S, ALAM K, RASHID A, GOW JA. The role of discrete positive emotions in consumer response to place-of-origin. Defence and peace
economics 2020; 31(6):615-641.
CHAI Y, PARDEY PG, HURLEY TM, SENAY SD, BEDDOW JM. A probabilistic bio-economic assessment of the global consequences of wheat leaf rust.
Phytopathology 2020; 110(12):1886-1896.
CONRADIE B, PIESSE J, STEPHENS J. The changing environment: Efficiency, vulnerability and changes in land use in the South African Karoo, 2012– 2014. Environmental Development 2019; 32:100453, 12 pages.
GRAFF GD, PARDEY PG. Inventions and patenting in Africa: Empirical trends from 1970 to 2010. Journal of World Intellectual Property 2020; 23(1- 2):40-64.
HEARN B, PIESSE J. A reassessment of stock market integration in SADC: The case of Namibia. Development Southern Africa 2020; 37(3):501-518.
JIA X, KHANDELWAL A, MULLA DJ, PARDEY PG, KUMAR V. Bringing automated, remote-sensed, machine learning methods to monitoring crop landscapes at scale. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 2019; 50(S1):41-50.
KELLEY KM, BRUWER J, ZELINSKIE J, GARDNER DM, GOVINDASAMY R, HYDE J, RICKARD BJ. Wine consumers’ willingness to adopt environmentally friendly packaging practices at tasting rooms An ECHAID analysis. British Food Journal 2020; 122(1):309-327.
KERAMAT SA, ALAM K, GOW JA, BIDDLE SJH. Job-Related Characteristics and Obesity in Australian Employees: Evidence From a Longitudinal Nationally Representative Sample. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION 2020; 34(7):729-739.
LOUW TM, MOSSISSA AT, ZANTSI S, GREYLING JC, GOOSEN NJ. Estimation of biomass feedstock availability for anaerobic digestion in smallholder farming systems in South Africa. Biomass and Bioenergy 2020; 142:105798.
MAHUMUD RA, GOW JA, KERAMAT SA, MARCH S, DUNN J, ALAM K, RENZAHO AMN. Distribution and predictors associated with the use of breast cancer screening services among women in 14 low-resource countries. BMC Public Health 2020; 20:1467, 15 pages.
MICHELON A, BELLMAN S, FAULKNER M, COHEN J, BRUWER J. A new benchmark for mechanical avoidance of radio advertising: Why radio advertising is a sound investment. JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH 2020; 60(4):407-416.
ODERA O, JAMES K, SCOTT A, GOW JA. Corporate social responsibility reporting of international oil companies in Nigeria. An historical materialism analysis. International Journal of Ethics and Systems 2020; 36(1):131-146.
ONUR I, BRUWER J, LOCKSHIN L. Reducing information asymmetry in the auctioning of non-perishable experience goods: The case of online wine auctions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2020; 54:102060, 13 pages.
ORTH UR, CROUCH RC, BRUWER J, COHEN J. The role of discrete positive emotions in consumer response to place-of-origin. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING 2020; 54(4):909-934.
PIROTH P, RÜGER-MUCK E, BRUWER J. Digitalisation in grocery retailing in Germany: an exploratory study. International review of retail, distributionand consumer research 2020; 30(5):479-497.
RAO X, HURLEY TM, PARDEY PG. Recalibrating the reported returns to agricultural R&D: what if we all heeded Griliches?*. Australian journal ofagricultural and resource economics 2020; 64(3):977-1001.
SALAHUDDIN M, GOW JA, VINK N. Effects of environmental quality on agricultural productivity in sub Saharan African countries: A secondgeneration panel based empirical assessment. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020; 741:140520, 10 pages.
SALAHUDDIN M, VINK N, RALPH N, GOW JA. Effects of economic growth, foreign direct investment and internet use on child health outcomes:empirical evidence from South Africa. Development Studies Research 2020; 7(1):1-17.
SALAHUDDIN M, VINK N, RALPH N, GOW JA. Globalisation, poverty and corruption: Retarding progress in South Africa. Development SouthernAfrica 2020; 37(4):617-643.
VINK N. New mandates and new landscapes for agriculture. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 2019; 50:3-6.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
COHEN J, DRIESENER C, HUANG A, LOCKSHIN L, CORSI AM, BRUWER J, LEE R. Exploring media options to reach wine buyers in China. Wine &Viticulture Journal 2020; 35(3):68-69.
COHEN J, DRIESENER C, HUANG A, LOCKSHIN L, CORSI AM, BRUWER J, LEE R. The mental availability of different countries of origin in China. Wine& Viticulture Journal 2020; 35(1):68-69.
COHEN J, DRIESENER C, HUANG A, LOCKSHIN L, CORSI AM, BRUWER J, LEE R. Where wine is bought in China and why it matters. Wine &Viticulture Journal 2020; 35(2):55-56.
CORSI AM, LOCKSHIN L, COHEN J, LOUVIERE J, BRUWER J. Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the US market – Stage 4. Wine &Viticulture Journal 2020; 35(4):61.
THOMAS B, VINK N. The development of vegetable enterprises in the presence of transaction costs among farmers in Omusati Region of Namibia:An assessment. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 2020; 2:10028, 6 pages.

Doctoral completed
THOMAS B. Dynamics of institutional arrangements for small-scale vegetable farmers in Namibia: An analysis of market, state and communityinstitutions. PhD, 2020. 201 pp. Promotor: VINK N. Medepromotor: KIRSTEN JF.​

Masters completed
BEZUIDENHOUT BC. The financial implications of diversifying wine grape production to include citrus in the Robertson area, Western Cape, SouthAfrica . MAgricAdmin, 2020. 96 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: JOHNSON SA.
DEWBERRY AJ. Trade Logistics Quality and the Intra-African Trade of Agricultural Goods: A Gravity Model Approach. MScAgric, 2020. 128 pp.Studieleier: PUNT C. Medestudieleier: VINK N.
FREEMANTLE LJ. An analysis on the impact that droughts have had on both the quality and quantity of Cabernet Sauvignon wine grapes in theStellenbosch region. MScAgric, 2020. 121 pp. Studieleier: GERWEL HJ.
HLAKANYANE LK. Commercial Wool Production in Communal Areas of South Africa. MScAgric, 2020. 97 pp. Studieleier: KIRSTEN JF
AREA. MAgricAdmin, 2020. 108 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: Strauss J.
MAMA ML. Promoting agriculture amongst the black youth of South Africa: the role the sector has to play in creating employment, alleviating poverty, and achieving equitable economic growth. MComm, 2020. 101 pp. Studieleier: VINK N.
MAZUNGUNYE PP. Industrialisation for Economic Transformation. Economy-wide impacts of agro-processing development in Tanzania. MScAgric, 2020. 124 pp. Studieleier: PUNT C.
Studieleier: VAN ROOYEN C.
MULANDA SM. Structural Characteristics of Zambia?s Agricultural Sector and the Role for Agricultural Policy: Insights from SAM based Modelling. MScAgric, 2020. 102 pp. Studieleier: PUNT C.
NKAMISA L. An inquiry into the competitive performance of Smallholder wool growers: The case of the communal farmers in the Eastern Cape. MAgricAdmin, 2020. 120 pp. Studieleier: VAN ROOYEN CJ. Medestudieleier: GERWEL HJ.
PARKER RH. Strategies in the Beaufort West region to mitigate the negative financial impacts of a drought . MScAgric, 2020. 103 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
SAKI A. Economic Sustainability of Extensive Beef Production in South Africa. MScAgric, 2020. 94 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
SINGINI D. The Impact of Globalisation on Food Availability and Access in Developing Countries: A Case of Malawi. MScAgric, 2020. 97 pp. Studieleier: PUNT C.
STEYN TC. Comparing hail risk management strategies through whole-farm multi-period stochastic budgeting for avocado production in South
Africa. MScAgric, 2020. 90 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: GREYLING JC.

Publications 2019
Journal Articles (subsidised)
AFZAL MNI, GOW JA, RAHMAN A. Economic and Internet Growth Effect on Electricity Consumption in the BRICS Countries. International Advances in Economic Research 2019; 25:339-346.
AHMED S, ALAM K, SOHAG S, GOW JA, RASHID A, AKTER M. Renewable and non-renewable energy use and its relationship with economic growth in Myanmar. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019; 26:22812-22825.
BACK R M, NIKLAS B, LUI X, STORCHMANN K, VINK N. Margins of Fair Trade wine along the supply chain: evidence from South African wine in the U.S. Market. Journal of Wine Economics 2019; 14(3):274-297.
BRÖMDAL A, MULLENS A B, PHILLIPS T M, GOW JA. Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding sexual behaviors and HIV/STIs: A systematic review. International Journal of Transgenderism 2019; 20(1):4-20.
BRUWER J, COHEN J, KELLEY K M. Wine involvement interaction with dining group dynamics, group composition and consumption behavioural aspects in USA restaurants. International Journal of Wine Business Research 2019; 31(1):12-28.
BRUWER J, COHEN J. Restaurants and wine by-the-glass consumption: Motivational process model of risk perception, involvement and information-related behaviour. International Journal of Hospitality Management 2019; 77:270-280.
BRUWER J, RUEGER-MUCK E. Wine tourism and hedonic experience: A motivation-based experiential view. Tourism and Hospitality Research 2019; 19(4):488-502.
CHAI Y, PARDEY PG, CHAN-KANG C, HUANG J, LEE K, DONG W. Passing the food and agricultural R&D buck? The United States and China. Food policy 2019; 86:e101729 (1-13).
CONRADIE B, PIESSE J, THIRTLE CG, VINK N. South African wine grape production, 2005–2015: regional comparisons of scale and technical efficiencies and total factor productivity. Agrekon 2019; 58(1):53-67.
DANG HL, LI E, NUBERG I, BRUWER J. Factors influencing the adaptation of farmers in response to climate change: a review. Climate and Development 2019; 11(9):765-774.
DAY MRB, VINK N. The distortions to incentives in South African agriculture: a case study of the wheat industry. Agrekon 2019; 58(3):292-307.
DEHMER S P, PARDEY PG, BEDDOW J M, CHAI Y. Reshuffling the global R&D deck, 1980-2050. PLoS One 2019; 14(3):e0213801 (41).
DJALILOV K, PIESSE J. Bank regulation and efficiency: Evidence from transition countries. International Review of Economics and Finance 2019; 64:308-322.
FIEGER P, PRAYAG G, BRUWER J. 'Pull' motivation: an activity-based typology of international visitors to New Zealand. Current Issues in Tourism 2019; 22(2):173-176.
GREYLING JC, PARDEY PG. Measuring Maize in South Africa: The Shifting Structure of Production During the Twentieth Century, 1904–2015. Agrekon 2019; 58(1):21-41.
HURLEY T M, RAO X, PARDEY PG. Are agricultural R&D returns declining and development dependent?. World development 2019; 122:27-37.
JOGLEKAR A K B, WOOD-SICHRA U, PARDEY PG. Pixelating crop production: Consequences of methodological choices. PLoS One 2019; 14(2):e0212281(39).
KELLEY K M, BRUWER J, ZELINSKIE J, GARDNER DM, GOVINDASAMY R, HYDE J, RICKARD B J. Travel group member type effects in wine tourism: an ECHAID segmentation. Tourism Recreation Research 2019; 44(1):54-65.
KIRSTEN JF, CHAMINUKA P, THIRTLE CG. Measuring and Explaining Productivity Growth in South African Agriculture. Agrekon 2019; 58(1):1-2.
KIRSTEN JF, PARDEY PG, THIRTLE CG. Recalibrating South African agricultural growth: Frikkie Liebenberg in Memoriam. Agrekon 2019; 58(1):3-6.
MAYA K A, SARKER AR, GOW JA. Factors Influencing Rice Farmers' Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Event Impacts in Bangladesh. Climate Change Economics 2019; 10(3):e1950012 (1-18).
MOROKONG T, BLIGNAUT JN, NKAMBULE N, VUNDLA T, MUDAVANHU S. Assessing the viable agricultural land use options after clearing invasive alien plants in the Mokolo Catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Agrekon 2018; 57(3-4):266-283.
OLUWUSI OO, PUNT C. The ECOWAS free trade area: An ex ante and ex post analysis of the impact on Nigeria’s imports. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2019; 14(1):72-85.
ROY AKD, GOW JA. A critical assessment of employing democratic and deliberative ideals in the environmental planning process in Bangladesh. Journal of environmental planning and management 2018; 61(14):2590-2612.
SALAHUDDIN M, ALI I, VINK N, GOW JA. The effects of urbanization and globalization on CO2 emissions: evidence from the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019; 26:2699-2709.
SALAHUDDIN M, GOW JA, ALI I, HOSSAIN R, AL-AZAMI K S, AKBAR D, GEDIKLI A. Urbanization-globalization-CO2 emissions nexus revisited: empirical evidence from South Africa. Heliyon 2019; 5(6):e01974 (1-9).
SALAHUDDIN M, GOW JA. Effects of energy consumption and economic growth on environmental quality: evidence from Qatar. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019; 26:18124-18142.
SARKER AR, ALAM K, GOW JA. Performance of rain-fed Aman rice yield in Bangladesh in the presence of climate change. RENEWABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SYSTEMS 2017; 34:304-312.
SOLEIMANI S, BRUWER J, GROSS M J, LEE R. Astro-tourism conceptualisation as special-interest tourism (SIT) field: a phenomonological approach. Current Issues in Tourism 2019; 22(18):2299-2314.
UDDIN G A, ALAM K, GOW JA. Ecological and Economic Growth Interdependency in the Asian Economies: An Empirical Analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019; 26:13159-13172.
XU S, GOW JA, CHEN Y, ZHANG Y, HUANG Z. The Determinants of Outward Foreign Direct Investment Strategies of Chinese Energy Firms. Singapore economic review 2019; 64(4):1019-1036.
ZANTSI S, GREYLING JC, VINK N. Towards a common understanding of 'emerging farmer' in a South African context using data from a survey of three district municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension  2019; 47(2):81-93.

Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
COHEN J, DRIESENER C, HUANG A, LOCKSHIN L, CORSI A M, BRUWER J, LEE R. What brings a Chinese alcohol drinker into the wine category?. Wine & Viticulture Journal 2019; 34(1):67-68.
CORSI A M, LOCKSHIN L, COHEN J, LOUVIERE J, BRUWER J. Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the Us market - Stage 2. Wine & Viticulture Journal 2019; 34(3):54-55.
CORSI A M, LOCKSHIN L, COHEN J, LOUVIERE J, BRUWER J. Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the Us market - Stage 3. Wine & Viticulture Journal 2019; 34(4):64-65.
CULLIS C, HORN AM, ROSSOUW N, FISHER-JEFFES L, KUNNEKE M, HOFFMANN WH. Urbanisation, climate change and its impact on water quality and economic risks in a water scarce and rapidly urbanising catchment: case study of the Berg River Catchment. H2Open Journal 2019; 2(1):146-167.

Research Reports
KIRSTEN JF, VINK N. Comment: How South African business can contribute to sustainable land reform. 2019: 11 pp.

Doctoral completed
GREYLING JC. Policy, production, and productivity: Spatial dynamics in the South African maize industry during the 20th century. PhD, 2019. 143 pp. Promotor: VINK N. Medepromotor: PARDEY PG, Bolt J.

Masters completed
BARR A. An analysis of the factors impacting the competitive performance of the South African Wine industry value chain. MSc, 2019. 111 pp. Studieleier: VAN ROOYEN C. Medestudieleier: MBHENYANE XG.
DE LA PORTE MR. A financial analysis of agricultural production systems in the Warm Bokkeveld. MScAgric, 2019. 90 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
DELPORT C. Food and Nutrition Policy in South Africa: The National Vision, Policy Space and Policy Alignment. MComm, 2019. 96 pp. Studieleier: VINK N. Medestudieleier: DRIMIE SE.
EDWARDES WFI. The financial implications of endemic stability as a control strategy for Bovine babesiosis in veld grazing beef production systems of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. MComm, 2019. 136 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: Hogeveen H.
TROOST C. Sensory assessments and consumers' willingness to pay for Karoo lamb versus Karoo mutton using an experimental auction approach. MComm, 2019. 162 pp. Studieleier: KIRSTEN JF.
VAN DER MERWE JS. Estimating the efficiency effects of farm mergers: An ex-ante application of Data Envelopment Analysis. MScAgric, 2019. 82 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH.
VAN ZYL JB. Financial cost-benefit analysis for the establishment of areas free from and areas of low pest prevalence of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) in South Africa. MComm, 2019. 111 pp. Studieleier: HOFFMANN WH. Medestudieleier: ADDISON P.

Publications 2018

Journal Articles (subsidised)
AHMAD NBJ, RASHID A, GOW JA. Corporate board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility reporting in Malaysia. Gender, technology and development 2018; 22(2):87-108.
ANDERSEN M A, ALSTON J, PARDEY PG, SMITH A. A Century of U.S. Farm Productivity Growth: A Surge Then A Slowdown. American journal of agricultural economics 2018; 100(4):1072-1090.
ARSIL P, LI E, BRUWER J, LYONS G. Motivation-based segmentation of local food in urban cities: A decision segmentation analysis approach. British Food Journal 2018; 120(9):2195-2207.