Welcome to Stellenbosch University


Bachelor of Data Science (BDatSci)

(Full-time residential programme and not online)

​​The fourth industrial revolution has a huge impact on science and technology by influencing it in extraordinary ways. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistical learning, deep learning, big data - these are all concepts at the core of a discipline called Data Science.  Work across nearly all domains is becoming more data driven, and this continued transformation of work requires a substantial cadre of talented graduates with highly developed data science skills and knowledge. A qualification in Data Science is therefore highly desirable and will lead to many job opportunities.

Although various faculties have introduced some undergraduate degree programmes with Data Science as a focal area over the last few years, Stellenbosch University (SU) has launched the new undergraduate degree programme in Data Science with a true multi‐disciplinary nature. The BDatSci programme has b​een on offer at Stellenbosch University since 2021. It is offered on campus, with contact sessions. This is not offered online nor remotely.

Open day: Saturday, 20 April 2024 (presentation slides here​​) - this is for first year student in 2025.


