Legal Services
Welcome to Stellenbosch University



Signing of commercial contracts

Please read this guideline carefully to make sure that you understand the process for signing commercial contracts and the role-players involved in the process. All contracts must be vetted by the Legal Services Division.

Signing of commercial contracts

Cover page for contracts​​. You need to complete this form and attach it to any contract that you send to the Legal Services Division.​

Useful forms

Indemnity form. An indemnity form for students.

Statement form. An indemnity form for Stellenbosch University against loss or damage caused by students.

Departmental plagiarism form. A form for departments to record and report alleged plagiarism.

Plagiarism declaration form. A form for students.

Record of community service. A form for students.

Legal risk management and processes

Risk management

Completing financial documents

Reporting criminal activity

Disciplinary codes​

Student Disciplinary Code

Military Academy Disciplinary Code​​