Curriculum Studies
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Higher & Adult Education


The interest group envisages the advancement of academic excellence within the interdisciplinary fields of Higher and Adult Education, taking into account the context of Curriculum Studies as a field of inquiry.

This vision is supported by the following general values:

  • Relevance
  • Quality
  • Academic integrity
  • Integration, and
  • Sustainability


The interest group strives at enhancing the work of the Centre of Higher and Adult Education, the Department of Curriculum Studies and the Faculty of Education through

  • quality research and service to both postgraduate students and the education community at large,
  • disseminating research results,
  • collegial interaction and co-operation as well as
  • critical engagement and debate​


The existence of the interest group is justified by the fact that while both the fields of higher and adult education requires specialist inquiry, they are closely related to other fields of education. While the interest group thus focuses on the challenges and relevant problems of higher and adult education, its focus is relatively broad. It is important for us not to plan and work in isolation from the broader field of education as co-operation and mutual inquiry might be beneficial to both. It also seems imperative to continuously reflect on research and other priorities that might direct or influence the work of the Centre and the Department of Curriculum Studies both inside and outside of Stellenbosch University.

(For the work and programmes of the Centre for Higher and Adult Education, please visit our Webpage) ​


Interest Group Members




​Areas of Specialization

​Prof Liezel Frick (chair)

​+27 21 808 3807/2277

Higher and Adult Education 

​Prof Magda Fourie-Malherbe

​+27 21 808 3908/2277


​Higher and Adult Education

​Prof Peter Rule

​​+27 21 808 2297


Higher and Adult Education​


Language support for subject terminology 

The Faculty supports you in the use of academic language and language for special purposes with MobiLex, a specialist dictionary with definitions of terms that you would use in your undergraduate studies. There are also translations of terms, as well as their meanings in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, compiled by lecturers in the Departement of Currikulum studies. Download the MobiLex app on your phone or search it on your computer or tablet at​