Prof Louise Brown Associate Dean Faculty of Health and Social Science, University of Bath
Email: L.Brown@bath.ac.uk


| Prof Annie Pullen-Sansfaçon School of Social Work, Université de Montréal, Montreal (Quebec), Canada. Email: a.pullen.sansfacon@umontreal.ca

| Prof Kieran O'Donoghue School of Social Work, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Email: K.B.ODonoghue@massey.ac.nz

| Prof Hakan Acar
School of Social Work, Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom E-mail: acarh@hope.ac.uk

| Prof James Clark
College of Social Work, Florida State University, USA Email: jclark5@fsu.edu

| Prof Regardt Ferreira School of Social Work, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA Email: rferrei@tulane.edu

| Prof Koen Hermans Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven, Belguim
Email: koen.hermans@kuleuven.be

| Prof Evelyn Khoo Department of Social Work, Lakehead University, Sweden Email: evelyn.khoo@socwork.qu.se

| Prof Oleksandr Kondrashov
School Social Work and Human Service, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Thomson Rivers University, Canada

Prof Rudi Roose
Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Ghent University, Belguim
Email: rudi.roose@ugent.be

Prof Peace Wong
Department of Social Work, National University of Singapore
Email: swkwyj@nus.edu.sg