Services Offered at
Welgevallen Community Psychology Clinic
Clients present with a variety of psycho-social problems including:
Childhood trauma
Family problems
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Substance use problems
Relationships problems etc.
What services does Welgevallen provide?
- Individual psychotherapy to children, adolescents and adults
- Group therapy and psycho-educational interventions
- Community based psychological interventions
Our clinicians provide psychological treatment based on the best available scientific evidence to individuals and families in regular hourly consultations.
Many of these services are provided by Masters students who are undergoing training as clinical or counselling psychologists. The students, who are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as trainee psychologists, work under close supervision of a team of experienced registered psychologists.
Who do we provide services to?
- The broader Stellenbosch Community
- Individuals and families that would not otherwise have access to psychological care
The children, adolescents, adults and families who access psychological services at Welgevallen live in Stellenbosch and the surrounding areas. Many of them are among the poorest individuals in our community, who would not otherwise have access to professional psychological care.

We provide services to all individuals regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnic background,
economic status, sexual orientation or physical ability.