Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Ways to Give

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Help a student
realise their dreams

Give the gift of education

Donate OnlineDownloa​d FormStaff Debit Order

Personal Donations

Donations can be outright gifts in any amount paid in cash, cheque or credit card. A donation may also be "in kind''. The amount of the deduction is capped at 10% of a person's taxable income. Our easy to use online giving platform makes donating safe and secure.

Donate Online >


SU requires funding beyond what government can give. On average an undergraduate student needs R130 000 p.a. for tuition, accommodation and living expenses. On average a postgraduate student requires a minimum of R115 000 p.a. To find out more contact Contact Candice Egan on +27 21 808 2711 or


Corporate Donations

Corporate donations can be done via your company's corporate social investment policy, sponsorship or as a philanthropic donation. Our development staff will advise you on the tax implications of each strategy.
To find out more call +27 21 808 9262.

Donate Online >

Gift in your Will

You can make Stellenbosch University a beneficiary in your will by bequeathing cash, shares or any other form of property. The value of charitable gifts in your will is tax deductible and can reduce your estate duty liability. To find out more contact Hugo Steyn on +27 21 808 3615 or​​

Read our E-brochure >​

Electronic Funds Transfer

Enter the name of the initiative you wish to support in the Beneficiary Reference field (or equivalent) of your bank:

Unrestricted donations
Bank name:Standard Bank
Branch name:Stellenbosch
Branch code:05 06 10
Account name:Stellenbosch Trust​
Account number:073002437
Account Type:         Current
Restricted donations
Bank name:Standard Bank
Branch name:Stellenbosch
Branch code:05 06 10
Account name:Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Account number:073006955 Account Type:Current

Please send confirmation of your donation to Lorenza George on +27 21 808 3090, or email




You can support SU without it costing you a cent. Swipe your MySchool card at any of the participating retailers nationwide and a percentage of the transaction will be donated to SU.

Apply for are a card >​>
Add SU as beneficiary >​>



Scan the QR code below to make a contribution to a fellow Matie. A tax certificate will be issued on request.

International Do



​​ Donate Online >

Direct bank transfer or direct deposits
NatWest Bank

Account Number:394488​43
Sort Code:60 00 01
Account Name:Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK

Gift AID
Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to benefit charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). If you’re a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases the value of your charitable donations by 25%, because the charity can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift – at no extra cost to you.
Please complete the Gift Aid declaration form​ and submit it with the proof of your deposit.


Electronic Transfer

:Friends of the University of Stellenbosch Foundation
Bank:​Wells Fargo
Account No.:5553 7329 66
S.W.I.F.T Address:WFBIUS6S
Routing No.:0540 01220 (for electronic transfer: 121000248)
Reference:Name and Surname
Please send your proof of payment to Hugo Steyn at

By Cheque​
Please make your cheque payable to: Friends of the University of Stellenbosch Foundation​ ​and send t


Friends of the University of Stellenbosch Foundation
1350 Avenue of the Americas
Floor 2, Suite 266
New York, NY 10019​ 

Debit / Credit Card

Donate via our online platform for tax efficient giving and receive a tax receipt for your donation at:  ​


Donations to many foreign universities qualify as charitable donations in Canada. The institution must be listed in Schedule VIII of the Income Tax Regulations.

​Stellenbosch University was registered on 1 January 2016 and therefore donations made directly to Stellenbosch University are eligible for tax benefits to Canadian tax payers.​

Canada Revenue Agency list of foreign universities registered as donees:

Account Name: Stellenbosch University – Foreign Income 
Bank: First National Bank Cape Town 
Account Number: 621 0717 7083 
Branch Code:
 204 10
S.W.I.F.T Address: FIRNZAJJ 
Reference: Name and Surname 
Bank Address: 26th Floor, Portside building, 5 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town 8000 

Send proof of payment to Lorenza George: who will issue you with a receipt for your tax compliance.


Donations to Stellenbosch University can now be made from your country within Europe and allow you to claim your local tax benefits. The donations are made to the Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK through the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) partner network.
Stellenbosch University is registered for TGE giving in the following countries, please contact the relevant charity partner on how to donate through them to Stellenbosch University.

King Baudouin Foundation
rue Brederodestraat 21 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. : +32-2-549 02 31

Fondation de France
40 Avenue Hoche 75008 Paris, France
Tel. : +33-1-44 21 87 60

Maecenata Stiftung
Rungestraße 17, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Tel. : +49 30 2838 7909


Carpathian Foundation Hungary
HU-3300 Eger Felvégi Str 53 Hungary
Tel. : +36-36-516 750

Fundación Empresa y Sociedad
Padre Damián 2, 28036 Madrid
Tel. : +34 676 270 816

Residents of Luxembourg are able to donate to Stellenbosch University directly through the Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK bank account or by card online. You will need to email after making your donation to receive the certificate (modèle de certificate) for inclusion with your tax return.

Bank: NatWest
Bank Address: Natwest Bank Plc, City of London Office, 1 Princes Street, London EC3P 3AR
Account Number: 39448
Sort Code: 60 00 01
IBAN: GB80NWBK60000139448843
Account Name: Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK



Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation
Kossuth Lajos 20 535600
Odorheiu Secuiesc, Harghita, Romania
Tel. : +40 741 655 773

Denmark / Finland / Norway / Sweden
Residents of these countries are able to donate to Stellenbosch University directly through the Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK bank account or by card online.

Bank Address:Natwest Bank Plc, City of London Office, 1 Princes Street, London EC3P 3AR
Account Number:9448843
Sort Code:60 00 01
Account Name:Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK

Donate Online >

The Netherlands
The ‘Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK’ is now registered with the Dutch Tax Authority (Belastingdienst) and has official ANBI status – Registration Number 825892752.
Donations made to Stellenbosch University through ‘Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK’ entitles the donor to tax deductions on their tax declarations in the Netherlands as long as they meet the minimum requirements according to Dutch tax law.

Donations are made directly to the UK bank account of the Foundatio


Recipient Name:Stellenbosch University SA Foundation UK
Recipient Bank Name:Natwest Bank Plc
Recipient Bank Address:City of London Office, 1 Princes Street, London EC3P 3AR

The ANBI regulations requires the charity to publish its annual financial report – this report is available h


Donate Onlin




Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
Rue De-Grenus 3, Case postale 2097, 1211 Genève 1, Switzerland
Tel. : +41-22-732 55 54