Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Payments to SU

The following methods are available to make a payment to Stellenbosch University:

  1. Cash at any cashier or student treasurer on campus. Please make sure to obtain a valid SU receipt when making a cash payment.
  2. Credit / Cheque card at any cashier or cost centre owner on campus with a SU credit card or Blumobi machine. (In the interest of cardholder security and the high risk of card fraud, a manual key entry facility is no longer available on SU credit card devices. The owner of the card needs to be present to tap, insert or swipe the card with their pin.)
  3. Cheque, made out to Stellenbosch University, at any cashier on campus.
  4. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT payment), directly into a valid SU bank account (For quick allocation to the correct cost centre or debtor account, please email the proof of payment to
  5. EeziPay is a closed loop system, whereby the student loads a quota on the EeziPay portal, which is either paid upfront or charged to the student's account.  Only SU authorized services are currently used in this system (e.g. printing and meals). The student card is used to pay for the services at a dedicated EeziPay card reader. The Commercial services department at SU is currently administrating this service.
  6. SUNePay is an online payment mechanism to receive online payments via debit card, credit card or EFT. PayU is used as the payment gateway linked to a Standard Bank merchant account. SU merchants (vendors) can register and allocate their specific merchant item (product)  for quick payment. The payment is integrated with the SU financial system.