African Academic Networks
SU is engaged in several African consortia through which important themed research fields, relevant to the African development context, are dealt with. PeriPeri U, AIMS, PANGeA, TRECCAfrica and NEPAD initiatives list among the most prominent and active. Their core research fields range from Disaster Risk Reduction to Sustainable Development.

Partnership for Africa's Next Generation of Academics (PANGeA): the Graduate School in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has collaborated with the universities of Botswana, Dar es Salaam, Makerere, Nairobi and Malawi to promote Africa's next generation of academics and professionals by building and sustaining world-class doctoral programmes and scholarly communities through academic partnerships and joint research supervision.
For more information on African Networks and Consortia, please contact:
Norma Derby: or
Nico Elema:
Stellenbosch University has bilateral agreements in Africa with 26 higher education institutions (HEIs). For students and staff, this grants access to exchange programmes, full-degree programmes, research collaboration and staff exchange opportunities.
Click on the countries for an overview of the existing international partnerships and agreements between Stellenbosch University and other international tertiary institutions. Depending on the nature and scope of the agreement, it can regulate the following activities between two institutions:
- Financial matters and arrangements;
- Joint PhD Programmes;
- Administrative cooperation, for instance exchange information about best practices developed;
- Staff and student mobility;
- Research cooperation;
- Intellectual property rights and legal obligations.
Some things to take note of:
Level of Agreement:
The level of the agreement refers to the scope of the agreement. It refers to if the agreement has been established at departmental, faculty or institutional level. If the agreement is at departmental or faculty level then it is only applicable to staff and students from those respective departments or faculties; an institutional agreement has the widest scope and is applicable to all staff and students of Stellenbosch University.
Student Exchanges:
Not all agreements make provision for staff or student mobility. For that reason, it is important to take in consideration if the agreement includes the possibility of student mobility – specifically if you are considering partner universities in planning your exchange.
More information:
Staff: If you would like more information about the nature and scope of an agreement contact Dr Nico Elema: at
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Malawi | Institutional | Yes | | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
Omar Bongo University | Institutional | Yes | | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
Addis Abbas University | Institutional | Yes | | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Yaounde | Institutional | Yes |
Partner Institution: Tuition Waiver No housing scholarship or additional funding
SU: SU International Exchange Bursary | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Antananarivo | Institutional | Yes |
Partner Institution: Tuition Waiver No housing scholarship or additional funding
SU: SU International Exchange Bursary | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Antananarivo | Institutional | N/A | N/A | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Namibia | Institutional | Yes |
Partner Institution: Tuition Waiver No housing scholarship or additional funding
SU: SU International Exchange Bursary | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Dar es Salaam | Institutional | Yes |
Partner Institution: Tuition Waiver No housing scholarship or additional funding
SU: SU International Exchange Bursary | Yes |
University of
Bogamoyo | Faculty of Law | N/A |
N/A | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
Makerere University | Institutional | Yes |
Partner Institution: Tuition Waiver No housing scholarship or additional funding
SU: SU International Exchange Bursary | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
Makerere University | Faculty of Theology | Yes | | Yes |
Institution | Level of Agreement | Student exchanges | Funding for accepted SU students | Existing research collaboration |
University of Zimbabwe | Institutional | Yes | | Yes |
Midlands State University | Dep. of History | N/A | | Yes |
Reformed Church University | Institutional | N/A | | Yes |