Model theory is a branch of mathematical logic. Historically it was concerned with the foundations of mathematics. These days it is better thought of as a part of mathematics rather than as providing foundations for mathematics. It interacts with several other parts of mathematics including combinatorics, number theory, algebra and geometry. There is a weekly seminar during term time which aims to be of interest to researchers in related areas. An international conference on model theory was held at Stellenbosch in March 2015.
Dr Gareth Boxall is, in some sense, the only member of staff in the model theory group. However he has a lot of support from researchers in related areas. Dr Charlotte Kestner of the University of Central Lancashire visited us for the first semester of 2015 and has been very involved in model theory at Stellenbosch.
Research includes work on connections between pure model theory and certain ideas from combinatorics, work on o-minimality and analytic functions and work on connections between model theory and category theory.