Community Health
Welcome to Stellenbosch University

Division of Community Health

​​Teaching and Learning

  • Undergraduate training

The Division provides all Public Health teaching of undergraduate MBChB students, and contributes to the teaching of undergraduate allied health professions. The Public Health teaching aligns with and supports the achievement of the 'graduate attributes'.


The undergraduate Public Health programme is organised around three core learning areas:

  1. Social Determinants of Health;
  2. Health systems organisation, planning and management;
  3. Evidence and information for health.


The curriculum is designed to achieve clearly defined outcomes in each of these three core learning areas. A combination of teaching approaches and assessment methods, including a large component of experiential and community based learning, is employed to ensure a 'spiral' and progression of development of competencies over the course of the MBChB curriculum.

A review and redesign of the Public Health components of the MBChB curriculum was supported by the SURMEPI (Stellenbosch University Rural Medical Education Partnership Initiative) between 2011 to 2015.