Advisory Board Meeting.jpg
Advisory Board Members meeting with the postgraduate students and superviosrs ​(February 2020)
The Centre's first workshop in action at the Department of Food Science​  (February 2020)
Advisory Board members.jpg
The advisory board members (Prof Forsythe, Prof Holtzapfel and Prof Uyttendaele) with Prof Pieter Gouws at the workshop 
(February 2020)​
Biomerieux API 50CH test​ for the indentification of Bacillius species
Gram variable rods.jpgGram positive (blue) and negative (red) rods under a microscope using Gram's stainP.Gouws.JPG Prof Gouws collecting environmental samples from a farm
Bacillus cereus (blue colour) grown on Bacillus cereus selective agar
Bacillus mycoides grown on Plate Count agar, isolated from strawberries
Mould grown on Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar, isolated from flour
Staphylococcus aureus under a microscope stained using Gram's stain
Disk diffusion test.jpgMeasuring the 'zone of inhibition' on an antibiotic disk diffusion test
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spores (green) ​under a microscope using the Schaeffer-Fulton stain 

Escherichia coli grown on Violet Red Bile Dextrose agar
StaphBPA.jpgStaphylococcus aureus grown on Baird-Parker agar​

The Centre for Food Safety team​​