Who qualifies for the EDP?
The basic admission requirements for selection to the EDP are (i) admission to study for a Bachelor's degree, (ii) an average NSC result in the category 60-62.9% (excluding Life Orientation) and (iii) compliance with the admission requirements specific to the programme. Admission to the EDP is considered on a discretionary basis. A student's socio-economic status (determined by historical disadvantage, guardians' or parents' income and the quality of schooling), as well as the availability of places, are considered for admission. The National Benchmark Test (NBT) results will not be used for selection or placement of EDP students in 2022.
Grade 12-learners who have been provisionally admitted to the mainstream programme in 2021, but who, after the publication of the NSCs in 2022, do not meet the requirements of the mainstream programme, may lodge a request to Ms Cheryl Richardson at cherylr@sun.ac.za to be considered for admission to the EDP. The consideration will be subject to the same admission requirements mentioned above. They must also attend the first EDP meeting on Friday 4 February 2022. For more detail, see First EDP meeting.
The EDP is not an option for the following degree programmes: BA (Drama and Theatre Studies), BA (with Music), BMus, BA in Visual Arts, BA (Political, Philosophical and Economic Studies) (PPE), BA (Law) and BA (Sport Science).