The SRC Election Convenors and all Stellenbosch University (SU) Students are bound by the Student Constitution (SC). In addition to the stipulations of the SC, the SRC Election Convenors have the responsibility to put rules or codes in place to ensure that the SRC is elected by a free and fair process. The contents of the rules are within the discretion of that election's SRC Election Convenors. The rules and regulations regarding previous SRC Elections do not apply in this election.
Hierdie Gedragskode beoog om die volgende waardes en standaarde tydens die Studenteraadsverkiesing te bevorder: Die verskiesingsproses sal: - Vry en regverdig geskied
- Maksimum toeganklikheid tot inligting rakende die kandidate en die verskiesingsproses verseker
- Op 'n relevante en deursigtige wyse geskied
- Maksimum deelname en interaksie van die US studenteliggaam verseker
- Hoë gehalte debat en dialoog met kandidate verseker
- Die belange van die studenteliggaam bevorder
- demokraties, nie-diskriminerend, en inklusief geskied
| This Code of Conduct aims to promote the following values and standards for the Students' Representative Council (SRC) Election: Ensuring an Election Process which: - is free and fair
- allows maximum accessibility to information regarding candidates and the election process
- is relevant and transparent
- allows maximum participation and engagement from the SU student body
- stimulates quality debate and dialogue with candidates
- promotes the interests of the Student body
- is democratic, non-discriminatory, and inclusive
Die volgende regte geld vir die hele studenteliggaam van US, insluitend die kandidate van die SR verkiesing. Alle studente het 'n reg tot: - vryheid van spraak
- Vryheid om in die taal van hul keuse te kommunikeer
- politieke oortuiging en assosiasie
- vrylik steun van kiesers te werf;
- organisering van openbare vergaderings
- bywoning en deelname aan openbare vergaderings deur ander byeengeroep
- verspreiding van verkiesingsleesstof en veldtogmateriaal, wat deur die konvenors ontwerp en beskikbaar gestel word
- die gebruik van sosiale media platforms
- die opplak van plakkate, soos ontwerp en beskikbaar gestel deur die konvenors
- die onderneming van verkiesingsveldtogte op alle wettige wyses
- stemming vir 'n maksimum van nege (9) kandidate van hul keuse wat vrylik en in die geheim uitgeoefen word
| The following rights apply to the entire Student Body, including all candidates of the SRC Election. All students have a right to: - freedom of speech
- freedom of language
- freedom of political opinion and association
- recruit support from voters
- hold public meetings
- attend and participate in all public meetings
- distribute the election and campaign materials designed and provided by the convenors
- use social media platforms to advertise their campaign
- put up the posters designed and provided by the convenors
- conduct election campaigns in all legal ways.
- Cast their vote independently and in secret for a total of nine (9) candidates
Almal wat deur hierdie Kode gebind word, moet tydens die verkiesingstydperk: - die gebruik van taal of enige soort optrede wat kan aanleiding gee tot geweld of intimidasie, vermy;
- hulle daarvan weerhou om enige rassistiese, seksistiese, homofobiese, vals, lasterlike of enige ander bewerings wat op soortgelyke wyse inbraak maak op die menswaardigheid van enige persoon in verband met die verkiesing te maak, te publiseer of te herhaal;
- hulle weerhou van optrede of praktyke wat onbillik diskrimineer of daarop gemik is om te verneder op grond van ras, geslag, seksuele oriëntasie, etnisiteit, klas of godsdiens, in verband met die verkiesing;
- hulle daarvan weerhou om 'n wanvoorstelling van hulself in enige verkiesingsmateriaal weer te gee;
- niks doen wat die demokratiese reg van enige persoon om redelike toegang te hê tot kiesers te belemmer vir die doeleinde van die werwing van steun nie;
- hulle daarvan weerhou om die saamroep van 'n politieke vergadering of deelname aan so 'n vergadering te verhinder of om 'n politieke vergadering wesenlik te ontwrig;
- hulle daarvan weerhou om politieke veldtogmateriaal van enige kandidaat te verwyder, te skend of te vernietig;
- hulle weerhou van enige poging tot misbruik van mag, voorreg of invloed of enige vorm van dwang met die opset om enige persoon te oorreed om te stem of om vir enige bepaalde kandidaat te stem;
- hulle te weerhou van die aanbieding van enige lokmiddel of vergoeding aan enige persoon ter wille van sodanige persoon se stemming of nie-stemming in die verkiesing;
- hulle weerhou om op 'n wyse te stem wat hulle weet hulle nie op geregtig is nie;
- hulle daarvan weerhou om op onregmatige wyse enige stemmateriaal of verkiesingsmateriaal te verwyder of te skend of te vernietig;
- regmatige bevele van die stembuskonvenor(s) gehoorsaam en regmatige besluite van die stembuskonvenor(s) implementer
- Geen geld spandeer op enige bemarking nie.
| All persons bound by this Code must, during the election period: - avoid language or any kind of action that could lead to violence or intimidation;
- refrain from making, publishing or repeating any racist, sexist, homophobic, false, libelous or any other allegations of this sort that would infinge on a person's human dignity with respect to the election;
- refrain from actions or practices that discriminate unfairly or are aimed at humiliating someone on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, class or religion with respect to the election;
- refrain from making misrepresentations about themselves in any election material;
- do nothing that would impede the right of anyone to gain reasonable access to voters for the sake of recruiting support;
- refrain from doing anything to prevent the holding of a political meeting or participation in a political meeting and refrain from seriously disrupting a political meeting;
- refrain from removing, damaging or destroying any candidate's political campaign material;
- refrain from any attempt at misusing power or resorting to privileges or influence or using any form of coercion intended to persuade someone to vote for any particular candidate;
- refrain from offering any form of enticement or remuneration to any person for the purpose of such person's vote or non-vote in the election;
- refrain from voting in a way in which they know they are not entitled to vote;
- refrain from unlawfully removing or damaging or destroying any voting material or electoral material in any way; and
- comply with any instructions from the election convenor(s) and implement any just decisions of the election convenor(s).
- Spend no money on any marketing.
Enige oortreding van hierdie gedragskode sal die oortreder aanspreeklik maak vir disiplinêre optrede soos gestel in Skedule 1 van die Studentegrondwet van Universiteit Stellenbosch. | Any infringement of this Code of Conduct will render the perpetrator liable to disciplinary action according to Schedule 1 of the Student Constitution of Stellenbosch University |
Die Stembuskomitee (insluitend die SR-stembuskonvenors) is verantwoordelik vir die fotografie, ontwerp en verspreiding van alle bemarkingsplakkate regoor kampus. Die kandidaat sal toegelaat word om self die foto wat deur die professionele fotograaf geneem sal word, te kies vir sy/haar verkiesingsplakkaat. Geen ander plakkate sal toegelaat word nie. | The Election Committee (including the SRC Election Convenors) are responsible for the photography, design and distribution of all marketing posters. The candidate will be allowed to choose one of the photos that will be taken by the professional photographer for his/her campaign posters. No other posters will be allowed. |
Maksimale gebruik van sosiale media platforms soos Facebook en Twitter word aangemoedig. Let egter op dat daar steeds streng voldoening aan die Verkiesingsgedragskode moet wees en dat dit streng afgedwing sal word | Maximum usage of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are encouraged. Please note that there still needs to be stringent adherence to the Electoral Code of Conduct and it will be strictly enforced. |
- Kandidate sal verantwoordelik gehou word vir die optrede van hul onderskeie ondersteuningskomitees.
- Alle bemarking moet aan die Verkiesingsgedragskode voldoen.
| a) Candidates will be held responsible for the conduct of their respective support committees. b) Marketing must conform to the Electoral Code of Conduct. |
a) Slegs sosiale media platforms mag gebruik word vir bykomende bemarking. Dit impliseer dat geen kandidaat toegelaat word om massa kommunikasie (in die vorm van sms'e, e-posse of enige soortgelyke medium) te gebruik vir bemarkingsdoeleindes nie. Hierdie metodes van bemarking is 'n oortreding van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Elektroniese Kommunikasie Beleid paragraaf 2.2.1. Die beleid kan afgelaai word by:
'n Kandidaat mag elektronies of andersins kommunikeer met 'n geslote groep vriende, maar MOET in so 'n geval 'n verklaring aanheg wat uitdruklik die versending van die boodskap in massa kommunikasie verbied.
Only social media platforms may be used for additional marketing. This implies that no candidate is allowed to use mass communication (sms, e-mail or any similar media) for marketing purposes. Such methods are in contravention of the Stellenbosch University Electronic Communications Policy paragraph 2.2.1. The policy can be downloaded at:
A candidate is allowed to electronically or otherwise communicate with a closed group of friends, but MUST then include a statement explicitly prohibiting the resending of that message as mass communication.
b) Amptelike bemarking as SR-kandidaat op sosiale media platforms mag nie voor 14 Augustus om 13:00 begin nie. Voor hierdie tydstip mag 'n student aankondig dat hy of sy beplan om hom/haarself vekiesbaar te stel vir die SR, maar mag nie na hom/haarself verwys as 'n SR kandidaat nie. Finale toestemming tot kandidatuur sal eers 14 Augustus 13:00 gegee word.
Official marketing as SRC candidate on social media platforms may only begin on the 14th of August at 13:00. Prior to this time a student may announce that he or she plans to run for the SRC, but may not refer to him/herself as an SRC candidate because final approval of SRC candidature will only be given on the 14th of August at 13:00.