What is Viticulture and Oenology?
Oenology is the science and study of all aspects of wine and winemaking, and viticulture entails vine-growing and grape-harvesting. "Viticulture and oenology" is a common designation for training programmes and research centres that deal with the industry holistically.

The DVO is the only University-based department in
South Africa that offers graduate and postgraduate courses in Viticulture and
Oenology. The Department has at its disposal well-equipped research facilities,
including experimental and commercial vineyards, a small-scale teaching
experimental cellar and an industry-scale research and training cellar.
Research projects are supported by competitive grants awarded to the Department
by industry or government institutions. The Department enjoys national and
international recognition, and maintains contact and research collaboration
with many national and international universities and research organisations. Mutual arrangements and agreements entail
student and staff exchanges, as well as many collaborative research projects.
The IWBT, which forms part of the DVO, was established at
Stellenbosch University in 1995 as part of a knowledge partnership and
strategic alliance between Stellenbosch University, the wine industry (Wine
Industry Network of Expertise and Technology: Winetech) and the South African government,
in particular through Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme
(THRIP). The IWBT is an internationally
recognised postgraduate training and research institute offering visionary
training and innovative research to support the South African wine and
grapevine industries.
Programme information
- BScAgric Viticulture and Oenology (General)
- BScAgric Oenology (Specialized)
Postgraduate courses
The main objective of the research activities within the DVO is to contribute towards enabling the South African industry to produce wines and vineyard products of high quality with the aid of environmentally friendly technology in the most cost-effective manner. Industry-linked research that can be implemented by means of technology transfer to the industry is undertaken at all times.
Research is multidisciplinary, and integrates traditional viticulture and oenology with disciplines such as physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology of grapevine, yeast and lactic acid bacteria, wine chemistry and sensorial sciences, and computational biology.
Viticulture. The generation of new, innovative and applicable knowledge of the grapevine and its cultivation is the focus of the viticultural research undertaken by the DVO. The focus of the research and experimentation in the field of vine sciences (wine and table grape) is on the effect of abiotic factors (light, temperature, wind and water) on the ecophysiology of vine functioning, berry growth and composition.
Oenology. The oenological research focuses on the influence of the vinification process (such as oxygen additions), micro-organisms (yeasts and bacteria), additives (such as enzymes and CMC) and maturation on wine composition, style and quality, as well as the effects of various factors on wine ageing. Researchers work closely with partners in industry and help to resolve issues facing winemakers at both a fundamental and a practical level.
Contact Details
Department of Viticulture and Oenology (DVO)
Faculty of AgriSciences
Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, South Africa
Institute for Wine Biotechnology (IWBT)
Faculty of AgriSciences
Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, South Africa
Name | Tel. | Email | Focus area |
Eunice Avenant | 021 808 4784 | avenant@sun.ac.za | Table Grapes |
Prof Florian Bauer | 021 808 4346 | Fb2@sun.ac.za | Yeast Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Dr Erna Blancquaert | 021 808 4711 | ewitbooi@sun.ac.za | Viticulture |
Dr Astrid Buica | 021 808 9201 | abuica@sun.ac.za | Oenology; Analytical Chemistry |
Prof Benoit Divol | 021 808 3141 | divol@sun.ac.za | Wine Microbiology; Departmental Chairperson
Prof Maret du Toit | 021 808 3772 | mdt@sun.ac.za | Wine Microbiology and Biopreservation
Prof Wessel du Toit | 021 808 2022 | wdutoit@sun.ac.za | Wine Chemistry |
Prof Antonio Ferreira | +351225580001 | antoniof@sun.ac.za | Flavour Chemistry |
Marianne McKay | 021 808 3774 | marianne@sun.ac.za | Wine Chemistry, Wine Aroma, Sensory Evaluation |
Dr John Moore | 021 8082733 | moorejp@sun.ac.za | Grapevine Biochemistry, Metabolomics |
Dr Hélène Nieuwoudt | 021 808 2748 | hhn@sun.ac.za | Spectroscopy |
Dr Carlos Poblete-Echeverria
| 021 808 2747
| cpe@sun.ac.za | Viticulture |
Dr Evodia Setati | 021 808 9203 | setati@sun | Wine Microbiology |
Dr Albert Strever | 021 808 4730 | aestr@sun.ac.za | Grapevine Cultivation and Remote Sensing |
Prof Melané Vivier | 021 808 3773 | mav@sun.ac.za | Grapevine Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Dr Philip Young | 021 808 9204 | pryoung@sun.ac.za | Grapevine Molecular Physiology, Biotechnology |
Technical Staff
Name | Tel. | Email | Laboratory |
Anne Alessandri | 021 808 2748 | anneb@sun.ac.za | Liaison Officer: Viticulture & Oenology Internships |
Jeanne Brand | 021 808 2571 | jeanne@sun.ac.za | Sensory Lab |
Lynn Engelbrecht | 021 808 9212 | lynn@sun.ac.za | Bacteriology Lab |
Samantha Fairbairn | 021 808 9200 | fairbairn@sun.ac.za | Fermentation Lab |
Olwethu Fana | 021 8082671 | fana@sun.ac.za | Sensory Lab |
Hugh Jumat | 021 808 9249 | hugh@sun.ac.za | Chemical Analytical Lab |
Stevie Krynauw
| 021 772 3769 | skrynauw@sun.ac.za | Program analyst |
Michelle Korkie | 021 808 3796 | mkorkie@sun.ac.za | Tissue-culture Lab |
Lindani Kotobe | 021 808 4786 | lindani@sun.ac.za | Quality Control Lab |
Edmund Lakey | 021 808 4672 | elakey@sun.ac.za | Oenology; Experimental Cellar |
Wandisa Maxiti | 021 8082671 | maxiti@sun.ac.za | Sensory Lab |
Marisa Nell | 021 808 9205 | mnell@sun.ac.za | Oenology; Experimental Cellar |
Valeria Panzeri | 021 808 9206 | panzeri@sun.ac.za | Sensory Lab |
Hendrik September | 021 808 4868 | | Welgevallen Vineyards |
William Smith | 021-808 2925 | | Welgevallen Cellar |
Candice Stilwaney | 021 808 3824 | cmockert@sun.ac.za | Fermentation Lab |
Dirk Swarts | 021 808 4868 | | Technical Assistant, Welgevallen Vineyards |
Andy van Wyk | 021 808 4672 | andy@sun.ac.za | Experimental Cellar |
Riaan Wassüng | 021 808 2925 | rfw@sun.ac.za | Welgevallen Cellar |
Anke Berry | 021 808 9199 | avm@sun.ac.za | Viticulture Lab |
Dr Anscha Zietsman | 021 808 3824 | jjv2@sun.ac.za | Grapevine Molecular Lab |
Administrative and Financial Staff
Name | Tel. | Email | Designation |
Geraldine Burton | 021 808 4545 | gburton@sun.ac.za | Undergraduate enquiries |
Lorette de Villiers
| 021 808 3770
| lorette@sun.ac.za | Postgraduate enquiries
Somi Radasi
| 021 808 3797 | nradasi@sun.ac.za
| Departmental Manager
Jacomi van der Merwe | 021 808 2749 | jacomi@sun.ac.za | Finances
Name | Tel. | Email | Designation |
Egon Februarie | 021 808 3770 | efebs@sun.ac.za | Maintenance Coordinator & cleaning tasks at JH Neethling Building |
Tania Jansen | 021 808 3770 | jansen@sun.ac.za | Cleaning & catering tasks at JH Neethling Building |
Judy Williams | 021 808 4545 | jpoole@sun.ac.za | Cleaning & catering tasks at Paul vd Bijl Building |