The role of place of Interactive TV (ITV) in Interactive Telematics Education (ITE) at the Military Academ​y

What began at Stellenbosch University …

Stellenbosch University (SU) is increasingly being considered as the country's first and foremost user and developer of telematic learning – the harnessing of satellite technology to facilitate synchronic interaction between lecturers and students. Inextricably part of the institutional vision, is the mission of ITE to make Stellenbosch University more accessible to a geographically scattered student population. Interactive telematic education is therefore an intrinsic part of the quintessential focus of Stellenbosch University. Since 2000 Telematic-assisted education had, according to Prof. Tom Park, Ex-Coordinator: Telematic Education at Stellenbosch University, seen more than 2 200 students, of which 251 were master's students, obtained their postgraduate qualifications at the University.

Possibilities for the Military Academy

ITV as a medium of vital Academic Support to distance education students is becoming more widespread in countries. The Military Academy is no exception and has embraced ITV since the inception of ITE in 2004.

What’s next?

Management and staff at the Military Academy are hopeful that in the near future ITV Sessions can be broadcasted from their own campus in Saldanha Bay, cutting on increasing travel expenses and saving on precious time.