Breaking the stigma about mental health
While conversations about physical health are commonplace, discussions about mental health often remain in the shadows, hindered by stigma and misunderstanding. As we observe World Mental Health Day, it’s crucial to confront these barriers to ultimately create a more understanding, supportive society.
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Navigating challenges: Building resilience for a positive outlook
Discover how to navigate life’s challenges confidently and optimistically by building resilience. These essential life skills, such as emotional regulation, adaptability, problem-solving and stress management, can help make difficult times a little easier.
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Be mindful and open-minded this October to boost your wealth and well-being
As we mark Mental Health Awareness Month this October, it’s the perfect time to encourage open conversations about financial well-being. Embracing a more open-minded approach to money – whether by seeking help or building financial literacy – can greatly reduce stress, paving the way for a healthier, more balanced life both mentally and financially.
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The law and mental health at work: Know your rights
Navigating mental health issues at work can be challenging, but knowing your rights can make a big difference. South African law offers strong protections for employees dealing with mental health conditions, ensuring that you don’t have to face unfair treatment or discrimination.
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Work stress: Managing work demands and relationships
Managing stress and addressing its causes is greatly important because chronic stress can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing.
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Support for men struggling with suicidal thoughts
High-profile suicides have put a normally hidden topic under the spotlight. What can be done to support men who may be suffering in silence?
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