Research Report
Skool vir Publieke Leierskap : 2013
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Journal Articles (subsidised)
BEUMER C, MARTENS P. IUCN and perspectives on biodiversity conservation in a changing world. Biodiversity and Conservation 2013; 22 : 3105-3120.
BLIGNAUT J, ESLER KJ, DE WIT MP, LE MAITRE D, MILTON SJ, ARONSON J. Establishing the links between economic development and the restoration of natural capital. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2013; 5(1) : 94-101.
BOESCH I, SCHWANINGER M, WEBER M, SCHOLZ RW. Enhancing Validity and Reliability Through Feedback-Driven Exploration: A Study in the Context of Conjoint Analysis. Systemic Practice and Action Research 2013; 26(3) : 217-238.
BRAND FS, SEIDL R, LE QB, BRAENDLE JM, SCHOLZ RW. Constructing Consistent Multiscale Scenarios by Transdisciplinary Processes: the Case of Mountain Regions Facing Global Change. Ecology and Society 2013; 18(2) : Art. #43.
BUEGL R, STAUFFACHER M, KRIESE U, POLLHEIMER DL, SCHOLZ RW. Identifying Stakeholders' Views on Sustainable Urban Transition: Desirability, Utility and Probability Assessments of Scenarios. European Planning Studies 2012; 20(10) : 1667-1687.
CARTWRIGHT A, BLIGNAUT JN, DE WIT MP, GOLDBERG K, MANDER M, O’DONOGHUE S, ROBERTS D. Economics of climate change adaptation at the local scale under conditions of uncertainty and resource constraints: the case of Durban, South Africa. Environment and Urbanization 2013; 25(1) : 1-18.
CROOKES DJ, BLIGNAUT JN, DE WITT MP, ESLER KJ, LE MAITRE DC, MILTON SJ, MITCHELL SA, CLOETE J, DE ABREU P, FOURIE H, GULL K, MARX D, MUGIDO W, NDHLOVU T, NOWELL M, PAUW M, REBELO AJ. System dynamic modelling to assess economic viability and risk trade-offs for ecological restoration in South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management 2013; 120 : 138-147.
DE WIT MP, CROOKES DJ. Improved decision-making on irrigation farming in arid zones using a system dynamics model. South African Journal of Science 2013; 109(11/12) : 1-8.
DE WIT MP. Christ-centered ethical behaviour and ecological crisis: What resources do the concepts of order in creation and eschatological hope offer?. Koers: Bulleting for Christian Scholarship 2013; 78(1) : Art. #46.
ENENGEL B, MUHAR A, PENKER M, FREYER B, DRLIK S, RITTER F. Co-production of knowledge in transdisciplinary doctoral theses on landscape development—An analysis of actor roles and knowledge types in different research phases. Landscape and Urban Planning 2012; 105 : 106-117.
FLINT CG, KUNZE I, MUHAR A, PENKER M, YOSHIDA Y. Exploring empirical typologies of Human-nature relationships and linkages to the ecosystem service concept. Landscape and Urban Planning 2013; 120 : 208-217.
FOURIE H, DE WIT MP, VAN DER MERWE A. The role and value of water in natural capital restoration on the Agulhas Plain. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 2013; 16(1) : 83-95.
HOLM P, GOODSITE ME, CLOETINGH S, AGNOLETTI M, MOLDAN B, LANG DJ, LEEMANS R, MOELLER JO, BUENDÍA MP, POHL W, SCHOLZ RW, SORS A, VANHEUSDEN B, YUSOFF K, ZONDERVAN R. Collaboration between the natural, social and human sciences in Global Change Research. Environmental Science & Policy 2013; 28 : 25-35.
HUYNEN MTE, MARTENS P, AKIN S-M. Climate change: an amplifier of existing health risks in developing countries. Environment, Development and Sustainability 2013; 15(6) : 1425-1442.
JONAS PT, MÜLLER K. Use of scorecards in measuring the governance of public special schools. Administratio Publica 2013; 21(1) : 127-141.
KEUNE H, KRETSCH C, DE BLUST G, GILBERT M, FLANDROY L, VAN DEN BERGE K, VERSTEIRT V, HARTIG T, DE KEERSMAECKER L, EGGERMONT H, BROSENS D, DESSEIN J, VANWAMBEKE S, WITTMER H, VAN HERZELE A, LINARD C, MARTENS P, MATHIJS E, SIMOENS I, VAN DAMME P, VOLCKAERT . Science–policy challenges for biodiversity,public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium. Environmental Research Letters 2013; 8 : Art.# 025015.
KHAN F. Poverty, grants, revolution and ‘real Utopias’: society must be defended by any and all means necessary!. Review of African Political Economy 2013; 40(138) : 572-588.
KRIESE U, BUEGL R, SCHOLZ RW. Market Actors' Views on Urban Family Living: Informing Urban Planning and Place Marketing in Preparation for Urban Transitions. European Planning Studies 2013; 21(2) : 204-231.
LE QB, SEIDL R, SCHOLZ RW. Feedback loops and types of adaptation in the modelling of land-use decisions in an agent-based simulation. Environmental Modelling & Software 2012; 27-28 : 83-96.
MANTZARIS EA, PILLAY P. Towards a conceptualisation of the Marxist theory of corruption. The South African case. African Journal of Public Affairs 2013; 6(3) : 112-128.
MANTZARIS EA. Nicodemos Sarikas: A Pioneer Greek Orthodox Missionary in Africa. Ekklesiastikos Pharos 2012; 94 : 304-315.
MCHUNU N, THERON F. Contextualising public protests: The case of Khayelitsha. Administratio Publica 2013; 21(2) : 105-128.
MOSER C, STAUFFACHER M, KRUTLI P, SCHOLZ RW. The Crucial Role of Nomothetic and Idiographic Conceptions of Time: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Nuclear Waste Management. Risk Analysis 2012; 32(1) : 138-154.
MOSER C, STAUFFACHER M, SMIESZEK T, SEIDL R, KRUTLI P, SCHOLZ RW. Psychological factors in discounting negative impacts of nuclear waste. Journal of Environmental Psychology 2013; 35 : 121-131.
MUHAR A, VISSER J, VAN BREDA J. Experiences from establishing structured inter- and transdisciplinary doctoral programs in sustainability: a comparison of two cases in South Africa and Austria. Journal of Cleaner Production 2013; 61 : 122-129.
MÜLLER K. Social Capital and Collaborative Environmental Governance. The case of the Cape West Coast Biosphere. African journal of public affairs 2013; 6(2) : 68-78.
NCUBE M, ZIKHALI P, MUSANGO J. The impact of climate variability on water and energy demand: the case of South African local governments. Water and Environment Journal 2013; 27 : 29-41.
PILLAY P, SUBBAN M, GOVENDER V. Perspectives on African leadership in the spirit of Ubuntu. African journal of public affairs 2013; 6(2) : 104-115.
RABIE B, CLOETE F. Toward evidence-based local economic development policy. Outcome indicators for measuring local economic development results. Administratio Publica 2013; 21(3) : 65-90.
RAKEPA TT, UYS FM. A critical evaluation of an employee health and wellness programme of the Department of Education. A case study of the Motheo District in the Free State Province. African journal of public affairs 2013; 6(3) : 24-37.
RASCHE A, WADDOCK S, MCINTOSH M. The United Nations Global Compact: Retrospect and Prospect. Business & Society 2013; 52(1) : 6-30.
SAYEED CM, PILLAY P. Assessing South Africa’s Food Security Strategy through a good governance lens. Politeia 2012; 32(2) : 83-103.
SCHÄFLER A, SWILLING M. Valuing green infrastructure in an urban environment under pressure — The Johannesburg case. Ecological Economics 2013; 86 : 246-257.
SCHLEGEL M, TRUTNEVYTE E, SCHOLZ RW. Patterns of residential heat demand in rural Switzerland. Building Research and Information 2012; 40(2) : 140-153.
SCHOLZ RW, BLUMER YB, BRAND FS. Risk, vulnerability, robustness, and resilience from a decision-theoretic perspective. Journal of Risk Research 2012; 15(3) : 313-330.
SCHOLZ RW, ULRICH AE, EILITTA M, ROY A. Sustainable use of phosphorus: a finite resource. Science of the Total Environment 2013; 461-462 : 799-803.
SCHOLZ RW, WELLMER FW. Approaching a dynamic view on the availability of mineral resources: What we may learn from the case of phosphorus?. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2013; 23(1) : 11-27.
SCHWELLA E. Bad Public Leadership in South Africa: The Jackie Selebi Case . Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies 2013; 41(1) : 65-90.
SEIDL R, BRAND FS, STAUFFACHER M, KRUTLI P, LE QB, SPORRI A, MEYLAN G, MOSER C, BERGER GONZALEZ M, SCHOLZ RW. Science with Society in the Anthropocene. Ambio 2013; 42(1) : 5-12.
SMIESZEK T, BURRI EA, SCHERZINGER R, SCHOLZ RW. Collecting close-contact social mixing data with contact diaries: reporting errors and biases. Epidemiology and Infection 2012; 140(4) : 744-752.
TOAN DTT, HU W, THAI PQ, HOAT LN, WRIGHT P, MARTENS P. Hot spot detection and spatio-temporal dispersion of dengue fever in Hanoi, Vietnam. Global Health Action 2013; 6 : Art. # 18632.
TRUTNEVYTE E, STAUFFACHER M, SCHOLZ RW. Linking stakeholder visions with resource allocation scenarios and multi-criteria assessment. European Journal of Operational Research 2012; 219(3) : 762-772.
UYS FM, JESSA F. A Normative Approach to Organisational Performance Management (OPM) in Municipalities. Administratio Publica 2013; 21(1) : 102-126.
VIGNOLA R, MCDANIELS TL, SCHOLZ RW. Governance structures for ecosystem-based adaptation: Using policy-network analysis to identify key organizations for bridging information across scales and policy areas. Environmental Science & Policy 2013; 31 : 71-84.
VIGNOLA R, MCDANIELS TL, SCHOLZ RW. Negotiation analysis for mechanisms to deliver ecosystem services: The case of soil conservation in Costa Rica. Ecological Economics 2012; 75 : 22-31.
WESSELS N, MÜLLER K. The challenge of environmental governance: the case of mainstreaming biodiversity in productive landscapes, with specific reference to the Gouritz initiative in the Western Cape. Politeia 2012; 31(3) : 31-52.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
DE WIT MP. Christian Economists, Environmental Externalities and Ecological scale. Philosophia Reformata 2013; 78(1) : 1-17.
MCINTOSH M. Christian Economists, environmental externalities and ecological scale. Philosophia Reformata 2013; 78 : 1-17.
NYAR A, MUSANGO J. Some insights about gender based violence from the Gauteng City-Region (GCR). International Journal of Sociology Study 2013; 1(2) : 37-45.
SWILLING M. Economic crisis, long waves and the sustainability transition: An African perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2013; 6 : 96-115.
VERMEULEN WJV, RAS P, MULLER C. Interactions on sustainability requirements in the South African Table Grape industry: The position and challenges of actors on the supply side. African Journal of Business Management 2013; 7(17) : 1679-1688.
XAVIER MVE, BASSI AM, DE SOUZA GM, FILHO WPB, SCHLEISS K, NUNES F. Energy scenarios for the Minas Gerais State in Brazil: an integrated modeling exercise using System Dynamics. Energy, Sustainability and Society 2013; 3(17) : 1-13.
Proceedings International
ABRAHAMS Y, BRENT A. Technology transfer of hand pumps in rural communities of Swaziland: Towards sustainable project lifecycle management. International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 549-560.
LANCASTER C, RAS P, VERMEULEN WJV. Findings and recommendations of a study on sustainable development in an agricultural South African- European supply chain. International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 633-643.
MANTZARIS EA, MUNNIK L. Can a Society Get Rid of Corruption through Legislation Alone? The Case of Brazil. 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Cape Town Hotel School Restaurant at Granger Bay campus of Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Press 2013: 101-106.
MANTZARIS EA, PILLAY P. Organisational Anti-corruption Detection and Integrity in the Public Sector: A South African Case Study. 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Cape Town Hotel School Restaurant at Granger Bay campus of Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Press 2013: 53-59.
MUSANGO J, BRENT A, BASSI AM. South Africa Green Economy Model (SAGEM). 31st International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (ISDC 2013), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, System Dynamics Society 2013: 1-24.
MUSANGO J, BRENT A, PRETORIUS L, MÜLLER HP. Tutorial on the application of systems approach to technology Science, sustainability assessment (SATSA): The case of biodiesel production development. International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 94-98.
MUSANGO J, BRENT A. Application of a new framework for energy technology sustainability assessment: results from survey. 22nd International Conference for Management of Technology (IAMOT 2013), Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Association for Management of Technology and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 2013: 1-14.
ROSENBERG L, BRENT A. Innovators in disrupted cities: An exploration of the creative class theory in urban(ising) Africa. International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 454-476.
SCHWELLA E. Apartheid to Al-Shabaab and Afrikaans to Arabic: How Bellville, South Africa and Mogadishu Somalia got connected. Report Inaugural Conference UPEACE The Hague: Peace for Humanity in the 21st Century, Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands, University for Peace 2013: 109-112.
STEINER G, SCHOLZ RW. Large-Scale Collaborative Problem Solving using the Example of Phosphorus as a Global Case (GlobalTraPs): A Transdisciplinary Approach . International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 762-769.
SWILLING M, TAVENER-SMITH L, KELLER A, VON DER HEYDE V, WESSELS B. Rethinking incremental urbanism: Co-production of incremental informal settlement upgrading strategies. International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, ISDRC 2013: 353-367.
WAKEFORD JJ. Peak Oil and the transition to a sustainable economy in South Africa . International Sustainable Development Research Society(ISDRC 19 CONFERENCE) Just Transitions: A global perspective, Spier Estate, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Stellenbosch University 2013: 832-847.
MINDERMAN G, RAMAN AV, CLOETE F, WOODS G. Good, Bad and next in Public Governance. The Winelands Papers 2012. Eleven international publishing, The Hague, Netherlands 2012:284 pp.
WAKEFORD JJ. Preparing for peak oil in South Africa: An integrated case study. Springer, New York, USA 2013:123 pp.
Chapters in Books
ANNECKE E. Radical openness and contextualisation: Reflections on a decade of learning for sustainability at the Sustainability Institute. In The Necessary Transition. The Journey towards the Sustainable Economy, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2013: 39-50.
BRENT A, SWILLING M. Transdisciplinary Approuches to R&D: The Importance of Understanding Values and Cultures. In Good, Bad and Next in Public Governance. The Winelands Papers 2012, Eleven international publishing, The Hague, Netherlands, 2013: 250-24.
MANTZARIS EA. A beacon of hope in Montford. In Chatsworth - The Making of a South African Township, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Durban, South Africa, 2013: 257-259.
MANTZARIS EA. Giorgos is a charo: Odd to a team gone but not forgotten. In Chatsworth - The Making of a South African Township, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Durban, South Africa, 2013: 493-497.
MCINTOSH M. Introduction. In The Necessary Transition. Journey towards the Sustainable Enterprise Economy, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2013: 1-12.
PIO E, WADDOCK S, MANGALISO M, MCINTOSH M, SPILLER C, TAKEDA H, GLADSTONE J, HO M, SYED J. Pipeline to the Future: Seeking Wisdom in Indigenous, Eastern, and Western Traditions. In Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace: Emerging Research and Practice, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, USA, 2013: 219-25.
SWILLING M. Contested futures: Conceptions of the next ling-term development cycle. In The Necessary Transition. The Journey towards the Sustainable Economy, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, United Nations, 2013: 13-40.
SWILLING M. Governance and the Challenge of Sustainable Resource Management in Africa. In Good, Bad and Next in Public Governance. The Winelands Papers 2012, Eleven international publishing, The Hague, Netherlands, 2013: 251-265.
SWILLING M. Reconceptualising urbanism, ecology and networked infrastructure. In Rogue Urbanism, Emergent African Cities, Jacana Media, Aukland Park, South Africa, 2013: 65-81.
VISSER J. Reflections on a Definition: Revisiting the Meaning of Learning. In Second International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Springer International, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012: 163-179.
Research Reports
SCHOLTZ A, WOODWORTH P, TYRER L, ESSOP T, DU TOIT J, NAGIAH C, KHAN F. Towards a Green Economy: Envisaging success at COP17, WWF Report 2011. 2011: 32 pp.
Masters completed
BILJOHN M. Analysis of interventions in support of small tourism businesses in the Eden District Municipality . MPA, 2013. 131 pp. Studieleier: Ackron JC.
BORCHARD N. Evaluating the performance of Programme One of the Nothern Cape Provincial Legislature . MPA, 2013. 194 pp. Studieleier: Lange JO.
DLULISA L. Evaluating the credibility of the integrated development plan as a service delivery instrument in Randfontein local municipality . MPA, 2013. 100 pp. Studieleier: Woods G.
JOOSTE-MOKGETHI OT. Demand-driven programme provisioning at a public FET College in the Western Cape : case study of the West Coast FET College . MPA, 2013. 95 pp. Studieleier: Müller JJ.
MONETHI DC. Transformation in the South African National Defence Force : with specific reference to gender equality . MPA, 2013. 159 pp. Studieleier: van der Molen KH.
MOYO P. An assessment of private sector participation as a viable alternative for improved urban water provision in Zimbabwe : the case of Harare Municipality . MPA, 2013. 161 pp. Studieleier: Müller JJ.
MPHAHLELE E. “Nothing about us, without us” : an assessment of public participation in the delivery of RDP houses in the Elias Motswaledi Local Municipality . MPA, 2013. 86 pp. Studieleier: Lange JO.
MSEME L. Super sizing service delivery with a side order of innovation building a social franchising governance model to accelerate local government service delivery for ECD provisioning in partnerships beyond PPP's . MPA, 2013. 152 pp. Studieleier: Burger APJ.
NGUBENI SP. Youth development performance management in municipalities : a Nkangala District Municipality case study . MPA, 2013. 133 pp. Studieleier: Burger APJ.
BALOYI N. An evaluation of the impact of community participation and multi-organisational partnerships on the implementation of sector policing in the rural areas of the Limpopo Province . MPA, 2013. 168 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
BEKWA N. An evaluation of the compliance to the implementation of the Employment Equity Act in the Western Cape department of health: A case study of the Tygerberg Academic Hospital. . MPA, 2013. 123 pp. Studieleier: Ndevu ZJ.
BOTHA M. Sustainable Housing Development: A City of Cape Town project evaluation . MPA, 2013. 106 pp. Studieleier: Burger APJ.
ENGELBREGHT M. Sustaining administrative effectiveness after municipal elections through change management. MComm, 2013. 86 pp. Studieleier: Lange JO.
KAPUNGU S. A study of rural women farmers’ access to markets in Chirumanzu . MPhil, 2013. 104 pp. Studieleier: Kelly C.
MAGIDA L. The Witsand Human Settlement Project: A Participatory Process to establish a Sustainable Human Settlement? . MPhil, 2013. 142 pp. Studieleier: Müller JI.
MENTZ M. Unearthing the determinants required for off-grid subsistence: A case study . MPhil, 2013. 255 pp. Studieleier: Swilling M.
NYANYIRAI S. An investigation into the effectiveness of corporate sustainability programmes and initiatives in the agricultural sector: The case of British American Tobacco Zimbabwe (BATZ) . MPhil, 2013. 138 pp. Studieleier: Brent A.
PANGETI PRP. Towards sustainable futures: Exploring ecological learning in Early Childhood Development (ECD) . MPhil, 2013. 152 pp. Studieleier: Annecke E.
RIKHOTSO RH. Determination of factors contributing to community protest in Khayelitsha. MPA, 2013. 163 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
ROSENBERG L. Exploring the idea of the creative class in an African city: a case study of ICT entrepreneurs in Nairobi . MPhil, 2013. 72 pp. Studieleier: Brent A.
THANTTSA G. A needs assessment for a performance management training programme amongst commanders within the SAMHS. MPA, 2013. 155 pp. Studieleier: van der Molen K.
VAN DER BERG AS. An Assessment on Managing Workforce Diversity in Public Sector Organisations – The Case of the Department of Local Government Western Cape . MComm, 2013. 133 pp. Studieleier: Isaacs DN.
VAN NIEKERK C. The benefits of Agritourism: Two case studies in the Western Cape . MPhil, 2013. 207 pp. Studieleier: Haysom G.
General Presentations
SCHWELLA E. Leiden Leadership Centre, Leiden University and International Leadership Association Conference on: “Exploring Leadership Roles for Local Peace and Global Justice” held at the Campus Den Haag, Leiden University, The Hague, the Netherlands. 16 and 17 May, 2013.
SCHWELLA E. Stellenbosch University Conference on: “Making National Development Work: From Design to Delivery”, School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, Bellville, South Africa. 21 and 22 November 2013.

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