From:                                             Meyer, DM, Me <> <>

Sent:                                               Thursday, 27 June 2019 10:33

Subject:                                         CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: SANORD Research Travel Funding

Attachments:                               Theme Group Application Form 2019 last edited 2019.pdf; SANORD Membership Institutions 2019.xlsx; SANORD Strategy 2022_Feb2018 for printing.pdf


Let asb daarop dat hierdie inligting aan ‘n verspreidingslys van alle US-navorsers gestuur word. Dit mag dus wees dat hierdie spesifieke oproep nie van toepassing is op u studieveld nie. Ons vertrou dat  toekomstige oproepe wel relevant mag wees./  Please note that this information is sent to a distribution list of all SU researchers. It may, therefore, be possible that this specific call is not applicable to your specific research field. We trust that future calls will be relevant.



Beste Kollegas


Vind die inligting hieronder en aangeheg het betrekking op n befondsingsgeleentheid vir navorsings projekte.


Dear Colleagues


Kindly find information below and attached relates to research project travel funding opportunities.





“Theme Group Project” Call is currently open:


·       All fields of study

·       Seed funding: R60 000

·       closing date: 1 September 2019


You will find all relevant information in the “Theme Group Application Form” PDF document attached.


Application Process

Please submit your applications to



Contact Person

All enquiries should be directed to:

Email: Mr Umesh Bawa:

Mrs Maureen Davis:

Telephone: SANORD Central Office: +27 21 959 3802/3811


SU contact person

Kirwan Adams

021 808 4040



Additionally attached:

1.      SANORD Member institutions list

2.      SANORD Strategy 2022






Vriendelike groete/ Kind regards

Kirwan Adams
Ondersteunings Beampte: Multilaterale Samewerking & Inligtingsbestuur : Sentrum vir Vennootskappe en Internasionalisering |

Support officer: Multilateral Collaboration & Information Management : Centre for Partnerships and Internationalisation  

Universiteit Stellenbosch Internasionaal | Stellenbosch University International

e:  |  t: +27 21 808 4040  |  a: RW Wilcocks, hoek van Victoria- en Ryneveld straat, Stellenbosch | corner of Victoria and Ryneveld street, Stellenbosch



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Die integriteit en vertroulikheid van hierdie e-pos word deur die volgende bepalings bereël. Vrywaringsklousule