From:                                             Meyer, DM, Me <> <>

Sent:                                               Friday, 21 June 2019 08:56

Subject:                                         CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Research Travel, Training and Presenting at a Conference

Attachments:                               NRF Travel & Conference Calls.pdf


Let asb daarop dat hierdie inligting aan ‘n verspreidingslys van alle US-navorsers gestuur word. Dit mag dus wees dat hierdie spesifieke oproep nie van toepassing is op u studieveld nie. Ons vertrou dat  toekomstige oproepe wel relevant mag wees./  Please note that this information is sent to a distribution list of all SU researchers. It may, therefore, be possible that this specific call is not applicable to your specific research field. We trust that future calls will be relevant.



Beste Kollegas


Vind die inligting hieronder en aangeheg het betrekking op reis-, opleidings- en konferensiebefondsingsgeleenthede.


Dear Colleagues


Kindly find information below and attached relates to travel, training and conference funding opportunities.





The following NRF Funding Opportunities are currently open:


·       Equipment Related Travel and Training (SU closing date: 26 August 2019)


·       Knowledge, Interchange and Collaboration (KIC) (SU closing date: 26 August 2019)


You will find all relevant information in the PDF document attached.


Application Process


All applications must be completed and submitted on the NRF online system:


Contact Person


Dominique Meyer

021 808-9566




Ms Dominique Meyer  |  Hons Geskiedenis  |  Hons History
Research Management Administrative Assistant

Navorsingsontwikkeling | Division of Research Development

e:  |  t: +27 21 808 9566  |  RW Wilcocks Building, Ryneveld Street


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Die integriteit en vertroulikheid van hierdie e-pos word deur die volgende bepalings bereël.