From: Meyer, DM, Me
<> <>
Sent: Tuesday, 02 July 2019 15:28
Subject: CALL: Collaboration with Japan, India or
Attachments: South Africa Japan (JSPS) Call
Guideline.pdf; South Africa_India Joint Call Guideline.pdf; Call for Proposals
Cooperation South Africa-The Netherlands 2019.pdf
Let asb daarop dat hierdie inligting aan ‘n
verspreidingslys van alle US-navorsers gestuur word. Dit mag dus wees dat
hierdie spesifieke oproep nie van toepassing is op u studieveld nie. Ons
vertrou dat toekomstige oproepe wel relevant mag wees./ Please note that this information is sent to
a distribution list of all SU researchers. It may, therefore, be possible that
this specific call is not applicable to your specific research field. We trust
that future calls will be relevant.
Funding Opportunity |
Research areas |
Categories/Activities to be
funded from SA budget |
Funding (SA budget) |
Eligibility / |
Number of projects to be funded
in SA |
Internal and external closing
date |
SA-Japan bilateral |
Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences |
Research-related costs, including field work - Exchange visits
(researchers, postdocs and doctoral students) as part of the joint project: sending side
pays flight tickets, visas & medical insurance, receiving side pays
accommodation & subsistence of visiting partners. -
Master’s Bursaries -
Networking events (i.e. joint workshops, seminars,
conferences, symposia) Not
funded: -
Consultant’s fees -
Project management fees -
Large equipment -
Salaries/remuneration -
Overheads |
On SA side: R980 000 for max 2 years R400 000 p.a for networking
and mobility of researchers R90 000 Masters’ bursary p.a On Japanese side: JPY 2,500,000 p.a. (up to JPY 5, 000,
000 in total) |
Applications to be submitted both in SA and Japan Principal Investigator must have PhD. SA PI must be a full-time employee at SU. To be prioritised in SA and Japan: - Projects with
potential to lead to future bi- and multilateral collaborations - Involvement of
students and postdocs - Gender-balanced
involvement in projects - Involvement of SA
historically disadvantaged universities and researchers (See attached Guide for further details) |
4 |
September 2019 |
SA-India bilateral |
Advanced materials incl. manufacturing Biotechnology Renewable energy |
Research-related costs, including field work - Exchange visits
(researchers, postdocs and doctoral students) as part of the joint project: sending side
pays flight tickets, visas & medical insurance, receiving side pays
accommodation & subsistence of visiting partners. - Doctoral Bursaries -
Science engagement/ knowledge sharing costs (i.e. joint
workshops, seminars, conferences, symposia) Not
funded: -
Consultant’s fees -
Project management fees -
Large equipment -
Salaries/remuneration |
On SA side: R960 000 for max 3 years R200 000 p.a for research and
mobility. R120 000 doctoral bursary p.a On Indian side: Contact: Dr Sulakshana Jain Scientist D, |
Applications to be submitted both in SA and India Principal Investigator must have PhD. SA PI must be a full-time employee at SU. SA PI must be a full-time employee at SU. To be prioritised in SA and India: - Projects with
potential to lead to future bi- and multilateral collaborations - Involvement of
students and postdocs - Gender-balanced
involvement in projects - Involvement of SA
historically disadvantaged universities and researchers (See attached Guide for further details) |
10 |
September 2019 |
SA-Netherlands bilateral |
Water Energy Food |
Research-related costs, including field work - Exchange visits
(researchers, postdocs and doctoral students) as part of the joint project: sending side
pays flight tickets, visas & medical insurance, receiving side pays
accommodation & subsistence of visiting partners. - Postgraduate
Bursaries -
Science engagement/ knowledge sharing costs (i.e. joint
workshops, seminars, conferences, symposia) -
Small equipment and consumables (up to 25% of the budget) Not
funded: -
Consultant’s fees -
Project management fees -
Large equipment -
Salaries/remuneration -
Overheads |
On SA side: R5.220 million for max 3 years R1.740 million p.a for
research and mobility. R200 000 postdoctoral
bursary p.a R120 000 doctoral bursary p.a R90 000 Masters bursary p.a On Netherlands side: €700 000 for max 3 years |
Applications to be submitted both in SA and Netherlands Principal Investigator must have PhD. SA PI must be a full-time employee at SU. SA PI must be a full-time employee at SU. To be prioritised in SA and Netherlands: - Projects with
potential to lead to future bi- and multilateral collaborations - Involvement of
students and postdocs - Gender-balanced
involvement in projects - Involvement of SA
historically disadvantaged universities and researchers (See attached Guide for further details) |
2 |
September 2019 |
Submission of applications: South
African partners: electronically via the NRF’s Submission System at Japanese partners: Indian Partners: |
GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING QUERIES TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: Riana Coetsee (proposal guidance): Dominique Meyer (queries re budget): |
The integrity and
confidentiality of this email are governed by these terms. Disclaimer
Die integriteit en vertroulikheid van hierdie e-pos word deur die volgende
bepalings bereël. Vrywaringsklousule