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Akademiese Publikasies

Prof Botman het hom as navorser van formaat bewys en reeds wyd oor onderwerpe soos versoening, menseregte en transformasie in nasionale en internasionale akademiese tydskrifte en boeke gepubliseer. Sy belangrikste publikasies word hier gelys:




Taking Africa beyond the MDGs: The role of higher education in development. In Rorden Wilkinson en David Hulme (reds.). The Millennium Development Goals and Beyond: Global Development after 2015. Routledge.




African Theology. In Ian A. McFarland, Karen Kilby en Ian R. Torrance (reds.). The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology. Cambridge University Press.




The case for the relevant university. In South African Journal of Higher Education, spesiale uitgawe, 24(7) van 2010, met die enkeltema “Revisiting a ‘Pedagogy of Hope’: Implications for Higher Education”.




Rejoice in hope: The Bible and the current crisis of despair. In W.M. Alston jr. en M. Welker (reds.).Reformed theology: Identity and ecumenicity II: Biblical interpretation in the Reformed tradition.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.




Belhar and the white Dutch Reformed Church – Changes in the Dutch Reformed Church: 1974-1990. In W. Weisse en C. Anthonissen (reds.). Maintaining apartheid or promoting change? The role of the Dutch Reformed Church in a phase of increasing conflict in South Africa, 123-134. Münster/New York: Waxmann.


Human dignity and economic globalisation. Nederduits Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, 45(1&2):317-327.


Turning the tide of the city: An ecumenical vision of hope. Nederduits Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, 45(3&4):508-517.




A cry for life in a global economic era. In W.M. Alston en M. Welker (reds.). Reformed theology: Identity and ecumenicity, 375-384.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.


Human dignity and economic globalization. In K. Sporre en H.R. Botman (reds.), 20-34. Building a human rights culture: South African and Swedish perspectives. Falun: Institutionen för humaniora och språk.


Sporre, K. en Botman, H.R. (reds.). Building a human rights culture: South African and Swedish perspectives. Falun: Institutionen för humaniora och språk.


Gospel and culture: Circles of embrace or lines of exclusion. In M.A. Oduyoye en H.M. Vroom (reds.). One gospel – many cultures: Case studies and reflections on cross-cultural theology, 149-171. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi BV.




The end of hope or a new horizon of hope? An outreach to those in Africa who dare hope. Nederduits Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, 43(1&2), Maart & Junie.


Should the Reformed join in? Reformed World, 52(1), Maart.


“Being human: The endangerment of human dignity and the promises of God”, voorgelê aan die Sentrum vir Teologiese Ondersoek, Princeton, New Jersey, VSA, 8 Februarie.




Belhar and the white Dutch Reformed Church: Changes in die Dutch Reformed Church 1974-1990. Scriptura, 1(76).


Hope as the coming reign of God. In W Brueggeman (red.). Hope for the world: Mission in a global context, 69-81. Louisville: John Knox Press.




Discipleship and practical theology: The case of South Africa. International Journal of Practical Theology, 4:231-242.


Ethics and socio-political transformation: Towards a model for partnerships in the public arena. Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa,72(1):97-104.


Is blood thicker than justice? The legacy of Abraham Kuyper for Southern Africa. In L.E. Lugo (red.). Religion, pluralism and public life: Abraham Kuyper’s legacy for the twenty-first century, 342-359. Michigan: Eerdmans.


Moraliteit in die nuwe Suid-Afrika: Die rol van die godsdiens. In Klein-Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees 2000, Die Burger-lesingreeks: Die Suid-Afrika van die nuwe millennium, 99-109.


The church partitioned or the church reconciled? South Africa’s theological and historical dilemma. In W.E. van Vugt en G.D. Cloete (reds.). Race and reconciliation in South Africa: A multicultural dialogue in comparative perspective, 105-119.  Maryland: Lexington Books.


Theology after apartheid: Paradigms and progress in South African public theologies. In W.M. Alston (red.). Theology in the service of the church: Essays in honor of Thomas W Gillespie, 36-51. Michigan: Eerdmans.


Die bevryding van Kain? Etiese nadenke oor die dader in die versoeningsproses. Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa, 69(1):111-124.




Towards the embrace of political reconciliation. The Way: Review of Contemporary Christian Spirituality, 39(4):338-348.


The offender and the church. In J. Cochrane, J. de Gruchy en S. Martin (reds.). Facing the truth: South African faith communities and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,126-131. Kaapstad: David Philip.




Value System Conflict and Unity: The Dutch Reformed Church and the Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa. In D. Luidens, C. Smidt en H. Stoffles (reds.). Reformed Vitality: Continuity and Change in the Face of Modernity. New York: University Press of America.
Gereformeerdheid en die Belydenis van Belhar (1986). In W.A. Boesak en P.J. Fourie (reds.). Vraagtekens oor Gereformeerdheid, 94-111. Belhar: LUS.




Afterword: Is Dietrich Bonhoeffer still of any use in South Africa?. In J. de Gruchy (red.). Bonhoeffer for a new day: Theology in a time of transition, 366-372. Michigan: Eerdmans.


Towards a world-formative Christianity in South Africa. In M. Guma en L. Leslie Milton (reds.). An African challenge to the church in the 21st century. Kaapstad: Salty Print.


Die moed om te vergewe. In C. Burger, D.J. Smit en B.A. Muller (reds.). Prediking oor die deugde. Woord teen die lig-reeks. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.


Joh 17:20: Die geloofwaardigheid van die kerk. In C. Burger, D.J. Smit en B.A. Muller (reds.). Prediking oor die kerkeenheid. Woord teen die lig-reeks. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.


Justice that restores: How reparation must be made. Track Two: Constructive Approaches to Community and Political Conflict, 6(3&4):17,38.




Botman, H.R. en Petersen, R. (reds.). To remember and to heal. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.


Narrative challenges in a situation of transition. In H.R. Botman en R. Petersen (reds.). To remember and to heal, 37-44. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.


Pastoral care and counselling in a rainbow country: Types and forms of pastoral work. In H.R. Botman en R. Petersen (reds.). To remember and to heal, 154-162.
Reformed integrity and the Confession of Belhar. In W.A. Boesak en P.J. Fourie (reds.). Gereformeerde integriteit. Belhar: LUS.


Black and Reformed and Dutch and Reformed in South Africa (lesing gelewer by die inhuldiging van dr Gaylen J. Byker as President van Calvin College). In R. Wells (red.). Keeping Faith. Michigan: Eerdmans.


Who is ‘Jesus Christ as community’ for us today? The quest for community: A challenge to theology in SA. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 97:30-38.


The new quest for ecclesial forms: The story and challenge of the Uniting Reformed Church in South African Reflection. Practical Theology in South Africa, 11(1):1-13.




Dealing with diversity. In D. Buchanan en J. Hendriks (reds.). Meeting the futureChristian leadership in South Africa, 163-174. Randburg: Knowledge Resources.


Managing endings and transforming continuities. In C. Villa-Vicencio en C. Niehaus (reds.). Many cultures, one nation: Beyers Naude Festschrift, 152-162. Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.


Waarheid en verzoening in Zuid-Afrika. Rondom het woord: Theologische radioleergang,37(2):75-80. Zoetemeer: NCRV.


De rol van de kerk bij het proces van vrede en verzoening. In Mensenrechten en verzoening in Zuid-Afrika (publikasie ter herdenking van die 25ste jaar van Kairos), 23-38. Utrecht: Kairos. (Ook in Bevrijding en verzoening, ’n publikasie van die Algemene Diakonale Raad van die Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk, 31-40. Driebergen: NHK.)


Pastoral care and counselling in a rainbow country: Types and forms of pastoral work. The Journal of Pastoral Ministry, 7:4-11.




Discipleship as Transformation? Towards a Theology of Transformation. Ongepubliseerde doktorale tesis. UWK.


A testimony on the decisions of the Dutch Reformed Church. In P. Reamonn (red.). Farewell to apartheid? Church relations in South Africa, 42-47. Beraad van die WBGR, gehou in Suid-Afrika, Johannesburg, 1-5 Maart, No 25. Genève: WBGK.




The cultural positivism of the Dutch Reformed Church’s document: Kerk en Samelewing (1990). Gepubliseer as deel van die geskrewe stukke van die WBGK vir sy beraad by die Koinonia-sentrum, Johannesburg, 3-5 Maart.


Die groot gebod: Matt 22:34-40. In C. Burger, D.J. Smit & B.A. Muller (reds.). Riglyne vir prediking oor reg en regverdiging, 183-190. Woord teen die lig-reeks. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.




On amnesty: The theological position. In Amnesty: Christians need to know! Inligtingsblad van SARK. Kaapstad: Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Raad van Kerke




Verwirrung unter den Propheten – Die Südafrikanischen Kirchen zwischen Befreiungstheologie und Herrschaftslegimitation. Der Überblick – Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit. Quartalsschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kirchlicher Entwicklungsdienst (AGKED), 27.